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Profile for induo2010

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 06:11
  • Posts: 2
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Dear Support,

I've bought your booking system many times now and i've installed it but i'm having a few problems that you might solve:

1 After installing the component hasn't got the examples for the models and bookable items

2 (IMPORTANT) that in the front-end i can't see the list of the items and when i recall the list from a menu voice it shows the title of the root and shows only 1 child and no template (which means it is messed up!).

you can check it out on a simple installation that i've made:

menu voice on the left-> BOOKING PROVA (which should show a list of items)

can you please help
thank you
Bookable list not wo ...
Category: Community Support
wow i wanted to create a ticket but the system says it cannot create a ticket (even i have 5 available it says).
i have installed artio booking (ver. 2.2.9) on but have issues on labels, they don't load properly and both on frontend and backend i see not coded labels (e.g. EMAIL_TEMPLATES) instead of the proper labels. I did just reloaded on the server the language files but the issue is still there.
I also tried with different languages (all included in the language files) but all have labels not properly showed.
labels and language ...
Category: Community Support
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