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When VM invoice is Joomla 4 compatible?

Regards Michel
VM invoice
Category: Pre-sale Questions

A bit strange that VM PDF invoice only detects the language set on the Joomla user, but VM registration don't ask this in the registration. Then all first time buyers (this is the greatest group) the PDF language is in the site default.

In my opinion should VM PDF invoices support this by default, otherwise it's impossible to create the PDF in the correct language. Then you give an positive argument why people should buy this product. I am a bit dissapointed this is not default in it.

Paid support: please let me know the price for add 'choose language' field in the VM registration. Please consider my opinoin above for the price, which i believe it should be there in default.
I don't prefer core hacks, please use the overrides.

Regards Michel
PDF: how to set clie ...
Category: Customer Support
Ok, how can i get the language field in the Virtuemart registration form? This is indeed essential, otherwise always the default language is selected.

Regards Michel
PDF: how to set clie ...
Category: Customer Support
This sounds logic, but when a user is registrated in the checkout of Virtuemart, where/how can the client set his/her language?

I know that as an administrator can change the language of client, but this is too late. The client then allready had ordered en the VMinvoice is send allready. That's too late.

Regards Michel
PDF: how to set clie ...
Category: Customer Support

I have 2 languages in the shop, English is default. In VM when registration the client cannot choose his/her language. So, a new registration get a default Joomla language. In this case this is English and so the PDF is english.

When i manually set the Joomla frontend language for this user to Dutch, VMInvoice see this and the PDF invoice is in Dutch.
But the normal proces is that client registrate and order. After the order setting the language is no option.

How can i set the client language they get the invoice in the right language? By example if Country is Dutch, give PDF in Dutch language.

I'am using the latetst VMInvoice2.0.28, VM 2.2.24, Joomla 2.5.16.

Regards Michel
PDF: how to set clie ...
Category: Customer Support

I want to use the automatic Operation Mode to send invoice. In my live shop VM Invoice is new, but i have many old orders. So after install i see all order in VM Invoice, but they are not send (red cross). All orders have status 'confirmed'.

Now i change the Operation Mode to Automatic and configured that the pdf invoice is sent with status confirmed,

If i do this, in my logic all old (before i install VM invoice) orders are not send yet and VM Invoice will sent all the old orders the PDF invoice. That's not a situation i want....
I want only new orders to handel automatic.

How this works/how can i block that the old orders not have a pdf?

Regards Michel
old orders -> change ...
Category: Customer Support

In the admin i can configure the text/subject of the email which send the pdf invoice.

But i have a multiple language site. How can i change the text (mailbody) and subject to another language (the language of the email is the language where the order in virtuemart was made in).

Regards Michel
Mail Body Multiple l ...
Category: Customer Support
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