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Profile for gho

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  • Posts: 9
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Hello, Jan !

sorry but after two weeks with errors I had to uninstall competeley your component, there were other errors, missing signs as a slash in the url e.g. (for another topic 3months later, jan !)
I had also mso-control-caracteres in my html, may be this is responsable too.

But generally:

A non paid service with more than some days of delay is not worth to talk about, today, nobody is able to wait two weeks or three month, the reason; may be that you want to direct everybody to the paid service.

In this case, I'd prefer that you stop the nonpaid service, this would be frankly. (may be there other reasons,that I ignore, but sorry!°)

So we can no more analyse anything for the moment.

May be that I installe one day agin your module, but I'm not shure, there is too much trouble with joomsef and also with sh404 which I had before, I ask me if it is worth for SEO reasons, really !

cannot change title ...
Category: Extensions
this happenend already several times, when after weeks I arrived that the change is executed in the url's, I don't know how I reached, it is very random.

It occurs on a menu item, where I assigned a component and give a changed alias title.

I purge url's, I erase the cache, I erace also joomfish and other joomla caches, but all the time when opening the sub-menu-point, there is the old alias shown. I already disabled the joomsef cache too.

Things continues: Also for the items of the component joomsef shows in the middle of the url neither the new, nor the old alias title, but something different. Where it comes from ? Miracle.

As I try to seo optimize my site, this is really a mess.

cannot change title ...
Category: Extensions
after some strange behavior found between joomsef and joomfish, difficult to handle on my three domain / multilanugage website, now I wonder about his:

My joomfish related settings are set for different domains, all other 4 questions are set to yes.

For the choice of main language or not, the url result is the same. Never I see as before for the other lanugages a path as /de /fr or /en.
Is that now correct or was it bad before, because when changing the language the new domain appeared but with the language addon.

Anywhere, I wish now that this is right and will remain, but the Question for SEO is the following:

The sitemaps build with xmap are right for every language.
But when loking on every site at the joomsef view/edit function, it shows all the multilanguage url's. That's okay, but how reacts google when indexing.
I ignore if google bot follows only the sitemap content when submitted to google by webmaster tools, or is there a double content danger? Before, I could in a robots.txt exclude the language pathes which were not assigned to the domain. But now I have no more that possibility.
not applied joomfish ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

is there any issue known with mixed language keywords when using joomsef 3.2.12 and joomfish 2.0.3.
was my question, but in the mean time I found out that part of the issue was a component/modul which was not integrted to joomfish.

I came back again to tell what happens on my three domain multilanguage sites when googlebot has passed another time.

google is not indexi ...
Category: General
Hello, I changed the configuration of my joomla/joomfish mulitlingual site into a site which is now loacated on 3 domains. Of course, each webspace has the entire site, one database for all.

The configuration now:

JoomFish Related Configuration
Language integration > use different domains

And for each of the three sites I defined as main language the language of the domain name.

That means that englishdomain-name.tld has english as main language and
frenchdomain-name.tld has french and german .... german...

Fine, s.o. starting with the english site - there is no language directory for english on the english-domain-name.tld , which is not bad for SEO - and deciding to go to french as language, there will be change of course the language and the domain-name, but this is considered as no more staying in the mainlanguage, because now the url is shown as

Only when the user starts with the french domain name, the same content is shown as frenchdomain-name.tld.
Of course, probably this is to avoid when not defining a main language, is that what is absolutely to do ?

Can this be interpreted as double content and in case of yes how could I change the configuration, if that is necessary.
Also I would ask if there is and how to place a nofollow for two of the three languages ?

With xmap I gave formerly three sitemapes to google for the three languages.
Now I give the same amount, only each sitemap is for a different domainname/language.


best configuration f ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Thank you, Jan, for this statement.

I have to observe in the futur what happens. I have my website declared to Google with three sitemaps for the three language directories.

And the domain is declared as non geolocated. Before using artio joomsef, only with joomfish, the behavior was the same.
But may be the simple fact that the hosting is in Germany, can give an advantag for D/CH/A , but people find me also with german words using Google from Moscow or other, but not frem France or Great Britain.

Therefore I'll try the option of three domains.
domain configuration ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
What is to consider when using different (language) domains with joomsef ?

I plan to use language oriented (not geo oriented) domains, other choices may be:

one only webspace, but what is the type of redirection of joomsef when pointing to this webspace

or one webspace for each language oriented domain, is that an alternative with SEO-advanatges ?

It seems to me that 3 webspaces may have the advantage that I can avoid the language direction, but for the rest ??

(Of course, it is depending of the type of business if a webspace physically located in one country gives or not a real advantage, may be that a country domain gives generally a slight ranking advantage in this country when the site is assigned to the region and not to the language)
domain configuration ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

1. how to upload files in a category without writing in the document a downloadname. For me, the name of the file appearing in the document file would be enough.

2. when adding to jommsef the extension files for docman I uploaded the folder 'UPGRADE' under com_sef/sef_ext
with the 2 other files, is that well done? I see going to docman menu section the url as this
Should there be not a sef url f.ex. with the category or file name ?

Thanks in advance for help.
1.4.0 and files for ...
Category: JoomDOC
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