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Profile for eMOTIVe

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 15:07
  • Posts: 11
  • Profile Views: 3153
  • Location: Unknown
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I have sent emails
I can't access the private customer forums even though I have purchased several add ons and been a customer for longer than a year.

Is is safe to say you guys are no longer supporting your paid products?

Even pre-sale topics aren't going answered.
Artio No Longer offe ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
Hi! Thanks for a great component. I've been using it for a bit now and am happy.

Something I noticed when I recently added a gallery to my site was the order of the pagetitles.

In my meta title it shows like this:

Gallery - category name - sitename

In my opinion is should be like this:

Category name - gallery - sitename.

Or even drop the the gallery all together.

Any ideas on how to achieve this? It does the same for my existing phoca download component as well.

Phoca Download and G ...
Category: Extensions
Thank You. Tags work great now.
Sobi Pro List Tags
Category: Extensions

Gives me:


Which doesn't show any results? Any Suggestions?

Look at the links under besides services offered.
Sobi Pro List Tags
Category: Extensions
I agree.

My advice is wait a few more months until anyone updates kunena/joomsef.

It's just not ready yet and I can't see a huge improvement in kunena to rush the update.

If i'm going to risk having to index all my urls again i'm going to wait until it's rock solid.

It will get there. I have faith in the team here. Just needs some more testing.
Kunena 2.0.0
Category: Extensions
Sorry to keep posting but figured I'd let everyone know what I have found.

It seems that there is to many changes is kunena relating the the url's. I can not figure out for the life of me how to reproduce all the same links after updating. I have 10's of thousands of topics that are indexed to well in google to attempt to change it.

Not sure if your settings are different than mine but most likely you will not be able to reproduce the same links.
Kunena 2.0.0
Category: Extensions
Most errors go away if I switch it to basic joomsef handling. It's a mess with regular joomsef
Kunena 2.0.0
Category: Extensions
I'm also getting

Warning: Division by zero in /home/ixxxxxx/public_html/xxxxxxxxxx/components/com_sef/sef_ext/com_kunena.php on line 578

on my category list and topic list pages
Kunena 2.0.0
Category: Extensions
It has changed all my forums links and I can't get them back to previous. I'm reverting to a backup.
Kunena 2.0.0
Category: Extensions
Here is an a sample of what is generated:

Here is what it should be:

Here is the url with joomsef off:


I am using with your paid version of Joomsef
phocadownload most p ...
Category: Extension Requests
For some reason the most popular download module does not create the correct link. I have try several different settings with no luck.

Any suggestions?
phocadownload most p ...
Category: Extension Requests
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