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Profile for defmetal

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This option seems to create an issue.

Well i'm not sure if its this option, or what but ....

Now certain products are linking to products.
IE, If I click the product that syas "LEHR EcoTrimmer Detachable Straight Shaft" it takes me to "JOLIET High Power LED Spotlight MR16-10 pack"

links here

Again, only with SEF on.
This problem resolves itself if I clear SEF urls, however I seem to have to do this every few hours.
Virtuemart products ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Ok it's happened again.

Here is the product link

Here is the non-SEF link

I'd like to note, that this works just fine when SEF is turned off.

I'm experimenting with "Handle flypage as non-SEF url" turned on.
Will see if this works, although it hurts Googles ability to index products on my site.

Google SEO is very important to our company, and we are currently listed #2 for ecotrimmer (below the manufacturer).

here is the URL with that option turned on.
It seems to work for right now. Hoping that if nothing else, others who may experience my problem find a solution.

By the way, if anyone wants propane powered lawn equipment, which has 96% fewer toxic and cancer causing emissions than Gasoline, we're able to give free shipping for sales I'm involved with. Just sayin'.
Virtuemart products ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I did find a solution by clearing all the URLs, however, I would like to know how this happened and how I can prevent it.

Errors like this seem to show up every few days since I've turned SEF on.
Virtuemart products ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I just noticed this but whenever somebody clicks a Product link, it appears fullscreen without showing Joomla content.

This is only with SEF enabled.
Any tips here?
I'm going to continue digging through what I can find, and I have done a search on this site, but have not found anything concrete.

Please let me know if you have any ideas, our site URL is
Virtuemart products ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Like on the top menu, when I added the login, I'm able to set custom options for it.
Such as what logo is displayed, what text is displayed, where the login redirects you,
none of those options work when SEF is on.
Parameters not loadi ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
On my page, , I have custom parameters on the Login page, but with SEF none of those are loaded.

The main ones are, a custom login image, as well as text.
(To reflect the ability to log in using Google accounts).

Any ideas on how to get these to load? It's taking me to the vanilla log in screen in all login sections.

Top module.
Parameters not loadi ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Yeah I realized that about one second after I posted. I was doing some looking around on the forums.

Check out this topic
error 500 - what is ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I just installed this plugin and have this issue now.

I have no idea what to do but I need to get my site back online immediately.

Did you manage to get your site back online?
error 500 - what is ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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