When a booking is made and PayPal is selected the user is sent to the PayPal page to show the summary of the order and also to login to paypal or put their card details in etc but the order balance is £0.00 why??
I have included an attachment of the PayPal configuration
PayPal not sending b ...
Posted 12 years, 6 months ago
by comptek
Hi Jan
Thanks for your reply. I have looked in Views/Payments and there are other options available here but they do not show up in the administrator back end under Payment Methods within the Booking component setup. How do I get them here?
What I was after is 2 bullet points when placing a booking. First one would say PayPal and the other would say Offline Payment which if chosen would show in the reservations as Offline Payment and would also complete the transaction without asking the user to pay online. This would give the user has the option to pay online or on the day.
Payment Gateways - P ...
Posted 13 years, 3 months ago
by comptek
Hi Jan
Thanks for your reply. I have checked the language and the only one installed and being used and default is English(United Kingdom) - the default one that came with Joomla.
I have tried searching before posting this topic but I can only find topics relating to foreign languages where the outcome has been that Booking is not fully compatible. I have not come across a discussion or solution for the default English(United Kingdom) language.
1st Jan 1970 Date Pr ...
Posted 13 years, 3 months ago
by comptek
Just had another one of these strange bookings that ignore whatnyounactually input and stores as a date of 1st January 1970 at 00:00:00
1st Jan 1970 Date Pr ...
Posted 13 years, 4 months ago
by comptek
When making bookings over the last 2 weeks I have had 4 instances where regardless of the date I have chosen it has saved it as 1/1/1970 with 00:00:00 as the time for both the start and end.
Why is it doing this? And how can I resolve it?
I am using English language and am based in the UK
1st Jan 1970 Date Pr ...
Posted 13 years, 4 months ago
by comptek
Anyone any ideas?
Payment Gateways - P ...
Posted 13 years, 4 months ago
by comptek
Also where are the payment gateway details held? which directory, i assume if i just copy and paste the missing gateways into the directory they will appear in the backend? or do i need to do something else?
Payment Gateways - P ...
Posted 13 years, 4 months ago
by comptek
I only appear to have the PayPal gateway even though your features say i should have the CreditCard, Moneybookers and Bank Transfer...
What i want to know is firstly what is the CODE field for on the PayPal gateway?
Secondly... Do you offer an option for Offline Payment so that the booking can be made but payment is to be made in person on the day? When i enable PayPal i only appear to be able to be forced to complete the payment online which is ok but alot of people prefer to pay on the day of the booking?
If you could answer my questions i would be much apreciated.
Payment Gateways - P ...
Posted 13 years, 4 months ago
by comptek
Ok - i have managed to get that to work now, i have had to downgrade the Mootools library.
I have one more question... I have it set so that you have to register before making a booking, but since this uses the joomla user registration everytime i log in it says 'You aren't customer' 'Become customer'.
Is there away to stop this? either to get it to accept the user registration as a customer, or not require the customer and only use the joomla registration? Ideally i want to be able to allow customers to register if they do not have an account, or login if they do have an account, and take them to the object detail that i am using, and allow them to make a booking without having to register as a customer as this seems to be inputting more or less the same information.
I cannot see an ideal option within the Artion Menu options?
New Customer, Paid S ...
Posted 13 years, 4 months ago
by comptek
Mootools is loaded - it highlights the dates/times with the price colour but won't let you click them.
New Customer, Paid S ...
Posted 13 years, 4 months ago
by comptek
Hi Jan,
Thanks for pointing this out. But although it now shows the calendar times it still does not allow me to click and select a check in and check out time? I had this problem when I tried to use a monthly calendar as well?
New Customer, Paid S ...
Posted 13 years, 4 months ago
by comptek
Yes Black will be fine for the description box.
I have emailed you details please let me know when you will be able to take a look as I need to update my client.
New Customer, Paid S ...
Posted 13 years, 4 months ago
by comptek
1) my servers currently do remote connections to other servers and run cron job to perform backups so therefore the security problem can't be effecting my situation? But I am happy to use the manual upgrade option even though it is annoying... I assume it's a folder in the normal download?
2) when I say copy I do not mean copy files and FTP them I ment I cross referenced the settings from the free version against the paid version and have applied them exactly. This was done manually and I have double checked and triple checked and am still checking and I cannot see anything wrong.
3) the description box of the object the box has blue borders and blue text and appears as though it has been highlighted by the curser but if you say it is supposed to be like this and it is a CSS setting I will find that and fix it.
I did not purchase the guaranteed support version as I had the free version which was working fine and therefore felt no need to purchase the support version as I expect that when I pay for something I expect it to work as standard out of the box and perhaps pay support for customisation.
As I am sure you can understand I do not want to purchase you support packages as there has been no signs of active support on the forum, what I have already paid for does not work and also the response times you are quoting are incorrect as I first emailed support on 21st the day after I purchased the extension this to my calculations is 11 days.
Since this is for a client of mine that is getting very frustrated I propose the following. If you are unwilling to sort the problems out as a matter of urgency then I propose that I give you access to my server with admin login details and FTP of needed, you fix the issues and get them working live and then send me a bill.
I apologise if at times my manner has been high rated and show signs of frustration but this project should have been completed last week and I really need this resolving as a matter of urgency.
I can send details via email if you accept my proposal.
New Customer, Paid S ...
Posted 13 years, 4 months ago
by comptek
As far as I'm aware this has been done and it still does not work but you are welcome to either check for yourself or supply detailed instructions for me to cross check
New Customer, Paid S ...
Posted 13 years, 4 months ago
by comptek
It will be interesting to see if I get an answer and what the solution is, as I know it isn't a conflict issue with anything else as everything is disabled just invade it was.
Surely this should not be sold as an extension if it doesn't work as described and there's no support.
New Customer, Paid S ...
Posted 13 years, 4 months ago
by comptek
Sorry to High Jack this thread Planting BUT...
jtrumpes - Since you are the moderator of this board i would like a reply to my thread located here www.artio.net/support-forums/booking/boo...ubscription-problems
And i would like a solution to my problems and the fact that i have paid for an extension that does not work how it should and how it does in the free version.
I will await your response.
Cannot install compo ...
Posted 13 years, 4 months ago
by comptek
Why are my emails and forum thread being ignored?
You have taken my money for this extension and you are not even willing to reply to the problems and the fact it DOES NOT WORK!!!!
This is making me a very upset customer.
New Customer, Paid S ...
Posted 13 years, 4 months ago
by comptek
Can i get some help on the above please? this has been almost a week?
New Customer, Paid S ...
Posted 13 years, 4 months ago
by comptek
I have sent an email to support last Friday but I have received no answer as of yet.
I purchased the Artio Booking Thursday 20th October and have installed and setup the system however it does not configure the way I want it to. I did use the free version on a test server and it worked fine with a weekly calendar showing all the days for the current week listing hourly time slots. I have copied the configuration to the paid version and this is not displaying any timeslots to choose. Please see the image below. Also the description box shows that it has been highlighted in blue, which this is not the case, how can I fix these?
I want the calendar to display like the following image.
Also how do i get the built in upgrade facility to work? It says there is now an update available but i have put my original download ID in and it says the update server is unavailable? Can i download and perform the upgrade manually? if so how?
Many Thanks
Kevin Mason
New Customer, Paid S ...
Posted 13 years, 4 months ago
by comptek
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