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Profile for cmart02

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This is just to inform that I have now discovered the problem. The site was originally built on a local machine and eventually it was uploaded to the server to replace the old ASPX site.

The issue described here happened because another plugin had been installed. Upon uploading all free plugins were supposed to be removed, but two remained and one of them (JoomSEO) was conflicting with JoomSEF.

I think you guys could make a list of possible conflict (such as this one) and add to the documentation. We have spent trying all possibilities to no avail, when it is a very simple issue that is "one click away".
My own meta tags and ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
From what I can see, I will be stuck with whatever your application decides to put up in my page descriptions, titles and the like...

I've upgraded to the latest version, but I am still out of luck when it comes to my own meta tags and titles. It simply shows whatever it wants... sigh.
My own meta tags and ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
They don't show in the URL Manager. If I add 10 new articles, no matter what I do, they will not be listed (I can clear the cache, purge URLs, update URLs, delete ALL URLs and update them again... all I get are the original URLs which were SEFed by Joomla's own engine originally and prior to the installation of JoomSef).

If I disable joomSEF, then it disappears form the site, but I suspect this behavior is by default, since joomSEF is handling the URLs (although undesirable, since it should still show my articles whether JoomSEF is active or not)
New Articles Not Sho ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

Thanks for the reply.

I have a brand new install of JoomSEF. The reason for choosing JoomSEF was auto-generation of sitemaps, but that won't workk either.

I never used any kind of SEO/SEF software with joomla.

I cleaned all the cached information (from inside Joomla/JoomSEF and browser), but to no avail.

Should I take that you're suggesting a complete uninstall and reinstall of JoomSEF? Is it really just a matter of clicking "Uninstall" or will there be some kind of files left behind which I must delete manually? If so, which ones?

BTW, I am usin K2 for my articles and have installed the K2 componente you provide on your site.
My own meta tags and ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

I have the same problem here. Form what I figured, these are default values, so basically they are there "from factory".

My K2 and Content are both set to be handled by JoomSEF, but my articles do not appear.
New Articles Not Sho ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
First off, I search the forum, but I was unable to find an answer to my problem.

I migrated from an ASPX site to Joomla... So far, it has been a very frustrating experience. The latest one is to do with my SEO.

I have managed transfer all the content to Joomla and redirect all my old content and point the pages to the new Joomla URL (which were created by JoomSEF).

The problem I now have is that before installing JoomSEF my old descriptions and meta tags were showing alright, now all i get is a bunch of nonsense generated by JoomSEF that is likely to damage me more than help.

I accessed the "Manage Meta Tags" tab and inserted the content I want to see on the pages, but it simply won't show what I entered, I simply keeps showing whatever JoomSEF decides should be there. For exemplo:

keywords: Excel, Dados, Add, Barra, Para, Office, Condicional, Size, Martim, Robert, Formatação, Font, Website, Ferramentas, Como, Todos, Gurus, Neste, Já, Email, Multisegmentação, Copiar, Elementos, Ribbon, Google

While my keywords are:

keywords:FC, formatação condicional, barra de dados, excel 2010

Then, I have the description problem:
description: Module and plugin to add google adsense to joomla based websites Excel 2010 Formatação Condicional Barra de Dados Written by Robert Martim 03 May...

When my description is:

description:Descubra os novos segredos da formatação condicional no Excel 2010 em especial a barra de dados

Basically, the description generated by your product tells more about it then about my article or my site, which has just added to the frustration.

I read somewhere in the forum (and in the user manual) about enabling "Rewrite keywords" and "Rewrite description", but I cannot find such option anywhere. Not EVEN under where it should be, which is under the "Configuration --> Title and Meta Tags" (see attache image of CPanel)

I will appreciate if someone can tell me how the heck I can get my own description as I had before installing JoomSEF...
My own meta tags and ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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