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Profile for chopstik

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 13:56
  • Posts: 4
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JoomSEF v. 3.7.0
Update URLs
Category: JoomSEF 3
I'm also getting the fatal error when updating URLs.

[05-Aug-2010 09:41:14] PHP Fatal error: Class 'SefExt_com_sef' not found in /home/******/public_html/components/com_sef/joomsef.php on line 311

I've got the following extensions in the /components/com_sef/sef_ext directory, all of which were downloaded/purchased from yourselves, Artio.

_com_example.txt com_community.php com_contact.xml com_docman.php com_kunena.xml com_newsfeeds.php com_rsform.xml com_user.php com_virtuemart.xml com_wordpress.php com_wrapper.xml
com_banners.php com_community.xml com_content.php com_docman.xml com_mailto.php com_newsfeeds.xml com_search.php com_user.xml com_weblinks.php com_wordpress.xml elements
com_banners.xml com_contact.php com_content.xml com_kunena.php com_mailto.xml com_rsform.php com_search.xml com_virtuemart.php com_weblinks.xml com_wrapper.php index.html

Can you please identify which of these extensions is causing issue or suggest how to fix this problem?
Update URLs
Category: JoomSEF 3
Worked a treat! Well spotted, thank you. I set my config to "Use current page" and that worked fine. Phew!
Anchors etc.
Category: JoomSEF 3
I've got the same issue with Anchors in an article linking directly to the base href instead of to the anchor within the currently viewed page. Any ideas anyone?

Using Joomla v1.5.9, JoomSEF v3.2.3
Anchors etc.
Category: JoomSEF 3
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