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Profile for bochnia

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
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The SMS/ e-mail notifications are not working. Maybe we made some kind of mistake configurating it.

Here are the steps we followed:

1 - Created some SMS/E-mail templates

2 - Activated in our host server the CronJob, setting it to run every 5 minutes the file (* the entire site, including the Book it! Module is located inside a directory (folder) named "site", so, that would be why we had put the URL includes the directory "site")

3 - Created a Notification in the SMS/E-mail Notifications with the name "Lack of payment" and set it to the following conditions:

Notify on Event *: Before reservation start
Affect Reservations with Reservation Status
Pre-reserved: no
Reserved: yes
Cancelled: no

Affect Reservations with Payment Status
Unpaid: yes
Deposit paid: no
Paid in full: no

Notify in a Time
Notify in Days *:
Notify in Weeks *:
Notify in Hours *:2
Notify in Minutes *:20

4- Created a bookable item with the name "Teste de Pacote" for hourly reservations, allowing booking reservation with 2 hours before the check in time. The reservation expiration is set to "before booking" and the "Cancel Time" is set to 1 hour.

5- Booked many reservations of the "teste de pacote" item, but none of the SMS/E-mail notifications created seem to be working.

6- We also set the following URLs to run on the Cronjob:

7- Set the following conditions:
SMS/E-mails - CRON Batch: 5 messages per batch
SMS/E-mails - CRON Frequency: 5 minutes

The global e-mail configurations are all correctly set, because the notifications on basic events, such as when a reservation is booked or canceled, are working just fine.
We wanted, for example to set a notification that would be sent to the client 2 hours before the reservation date warning that the payment must be done. In our case the only payment method allowed will be in cash.

We only need this last thing to finish the project, so it would be just amazing if we could solve this one out.

Thank you
Category: Community Support
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