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Profile for blondie63

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  • Posts: 55
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Sure, your software is perfect and i'm only one with problems...
v3 to v4.0.2
Category: Customer Support
i've just written !!!
joomla search :)
new bug on V4.0.2
Category: Customer Support
my site has JM 3.3.1 and JoomDoc 4.0.2 with fulltext search
Using joomla search you find also file unpublished and if you click over you have a 403 error

Hoping to a 4.1 :)
new bug on V4.0.2
Category: Customer Support
You said that the dabase structure is the same, as you can see on attached file the two structure are different..
V4 has two tables more
Anyway, i've fixed my live install with JM 3.3.1 and Joomdoc 4.0.2, to solve permission problem i've open and salve all my documents one at a time and set the right permission because global does'nt work

If you need to do some test about v3 to v4 migration i can send you a backup of my previous site based on JM 2.5 and JoomDoc 3.4

let me see..
v3 to v4.0.2
Category: Customer Support
i no use metadata, but after reflat it work fine
fulltext search
Category: Customer Support
Finally i've enabled xpdf & catdoc also on my live server, i've reindex with joomdoc research button and i've seen that column content of joomdoc_file table is filled

i've tested with this query: SELECT * FROM webcavi_joomdoc_file WHERE content LIKE '%prefazione%'

and i see 4 rows (look screenshot)

but trying live on there's no result !

is it possible there's some problem on /plugins/search/joomdoc/joomdoc.php ?


fulltext search
Category: Customer Support

it's better you declare this on your site !
people has to understand this before to buy 4.x , or not ??
v3 to v4.0.2
Category: Customer Support
i've enabled it but it doesn't work
fulltext search
Category: Customer Support
on site with 3.4.x i've unistalled it and installed 4.0.2
i've no found any other working way to upgrade from 3 to 4 !

i'm using joomla from many years and I have always seen that modules are update installing above the new version

what do you think ?
v3 to v4.0.2
Category: Customer Support
i've verified that the table jos_joomdoc_file on column content has all right text
to test it i've used this query: SELECT * FROM webcavi_joomdoc_file WHERE content LIKE '%rovere%'
that return 16 records
but if you access to my test site here:

type 'rovere' on document search and click submit, you have no result..
what's wrong ?
fulltext search
Category: Customer Support
ok i've installed this two libraries (pdftotext and catdoc) on my server
but now how can i enable joomdoc to index pdf files ?
i've tried to enable also the "Document Search" with no results..

is it possible to fix the button alignment ?
fulltext search
Category: Customer Support
Have you test on fresh install?
my first test in on site with joomdoc 3.4.x upgraded to 4.0.2
if you want i can send you my original DB before 4.0.2 install so you can see that 4.0.2 conversion scripts does'nt work right.


v3 to v4.0.2
Category: Customer Support
On Artio website, joomdoc description i see: Fulltext searching in documents * (pro version)
I've pro 4.0.2 that has some bug about ACL :(

About fulltext searching, how it work , if work ??
I've enabled Search in Fulltext on global configuration and run smart search reindex
I've JM 3.3.1 and i'm using the default Smart Search but no joomdoc documents are indexed !

what do you mean for fulltext searching ? pdf content is indexed ?

hoping one artio staff take a time to read this... :(
fulltext search
Category: Customer Support
please fix the global permission bug..

take a look here: reviews
the reviews are bad.. :(
v3 to v4.0.2
Category: Customer Support
After many test i've seen that 4.0.2 pro has many bugs !!

1. installing 4.0.2 as fresh i've seen some error on assets table (look two attached file)
2. to upgrade from a 3.4.6 to 4.0.2 i've unistalled 3.4.6 , clean assets table and install 4.0.2 but the installer has wrong conversion script !! I've seen that 3.4.6 is based on joomdoc, joomdoc_file, joomdoc_license tables. 4.0.2 is based on joomdoc, joomdoc_field, joomdoc_file, joomdoc_flat, joomdoc_license, joomdoc_option table !
3. installing 4.0.2 as fresh without any previous joomdoc tables and Refreshing Documents, also in this case the module does'nt show & download documents !!
4. i delete all files on documents folder then i Refresh on backend but the tables joomdoc_file, joomdoc_flat are not cleaned
5. on same 4.0.2 test site i upload a file using backend/joomdoc and it's work fine !

I think that 4.0.2 need some fix !! i hope Artio developer are looking here..
v3 to v4.0.2
Category: Customer Support
I've also tried to delete the joomdoc record in assets table and reconfigure it from global configuration
but still does'nt work :(
v3 to v4.0.2
Category: Customer Support
ops... it's an older localization come for other user in this site..
i delete it

wrong language files ...
Category: Customer Support
yes i know, it must to be.. but does'nt work in my case (if you read my previous post you can see it..)
what can i do ?
v3 to v4.0.2
Category: Customer Support
screenshot attached
v3 to v4.0.2
Category: Customer Support
no, backend still in English if i set my language=italian !
wrong language files ...
Category: Customer Support
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