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Profile for blansjaar

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
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  • Posts: 10
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Hello Jan and others,

I've read several of your answers on the topic of removing the manufacturer_id to prevent dublicate urls. This list was the last I stumbled upon:

1. defining the manufacturer_id as non-sef variable that will be appended to SEF URL
2. reconfiguring the VM extension so that the manufacturer name will be part of the URL
3. adjusting VM code to remove the variable from the URLs

However I can't find any further explanation on how to do one of the above...

My situation is that I have:

en/products/backpacks-and-hipbags/backpacks --> index.php?option=com_virtuemart&category_id=13&lang=en&page=shop.browse&Itemid=53

en/products/backpacks-and-hipbags/backpacks-2 --> index.php?option=com_virtuemart&category_id=13&lang=en&manufacturer_id=0&page=shop.browse&Itemid=53


en/products/backpacks-and-hipbags/backpacks/pulsar-50 --> index.php?option=com_virtuemart&category_id=13&flypage=flypage.tpl&lang=en&manufacturer_id=1&page=shop.product_details&product_id=239&Itemid=53

en/products/backpacks-and-hipbags/backpacks/pulsar-50-2 --> index.php?option=com_virtuemart&category_id=13&lang=en&manufacturer_id=1&page=shop.product_details&product_id=239&Itemid=53

So apparently the manufacturer_id and the flypage.tpl gives trouble dublicating all my vm products...

Question: Can you please explain to us earthlings (non-wizzkids) how we could solve this issue?
Dublicate urls with ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hello maurizio,

I don't know what the error means.

However about the index.php: This happens because your url rewriting is not done by .htaccess.

Use Apache mod_rewrite and rename htaccess.txt to .htaccess and your done.

Good luck,

Category: JoomSEF 3
When selecting a product in my Virtuemart child selectionbox I go to the product page with a vm url and the page is only seffed after I refresh the page. It is then remembered and stored as a SEF URL. Strange ah...

Has anyone seen this before or an idea what it could be...?

Joomla 1.5.21
VM 1.1.5
Artio JoomSEF 3.5.4
Artio VM plugin 2.0.33
Child items only SEF ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I understand, but then the problem remains that this is not very SEO and also user friendly. If all urls are going to change from to then a lot of people have wrong urls in their favorites and also google gets a lot of changes.

The whole purpose of the use of ARTIO for me is to have very consistent, clear and user friendly urls.

I really hope they find a solution soon...

I'm also very surprised that this reveals such a major bug. This meant that the Artio website simply didn't allow for any other language then English to go through the checkout process. The same applies to me now...
virtuemart and joomf ...
Category: Extensions
Hmmm. I see! This was not visible in my website because I hadn't purged the urls. Now I have which is not so fine. Can this be solved?
virtuemart and joomf ...
Category: Extensions
Pat, you are talking about right. My website works fine now.

Very good that the new version doesn't need the "none" setting but I take no chances. And is there a reason to have a default language?
virtuemart and joomf ...
Category: Extensions
Hé Patbe,

It worked fine when I turned off Artio. Offcourse one shouldn't forget to switch the JFRouter to Artio Router in plugins otherwise is doesn't work at all.

But that was exactly why it was so hard to find. I was only kicked back to the default language during checkout when I had Artio turned on.

By switching the default language to "none" it workes fine.
virtuemart and joomf ...
Category: Extensions

That is the best solution ever!!!!

I was looking for a solution for weeks until I found this thread. Such a little tip with such big results. Thank you so very, very much!

I already accepted the fact that my website was going to be without SEF urls and then this comes along...

I hope others with the same problem find this... So for the search engines:

Virtuemart and Joomfish and Artio language switches back to default.

Thank you patbe60, but I think you already got that..hihi
virtuemart and joomf ...
Category: Extensions
Hello Jan,

Thank you so much for your insights.

I looked at the things you mention but having trouble to find the source of the problem. It's so strange that without ARTIO it works fine. I like the component very much so really trying to find a solution.

As soon as you choose an item from the selectionbox it bounces to NL language. Very strange! It does this also with the view cart button. Without ARTIO this works fine....hmmm

Thank you so much already,


The solution is there!
SEF not working in i ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I use Joomla - VM - Joomfish - Artio

The trouble is that everything works fine accept when selecting different items from my selectionbox in the Flypage it gives me the productpage in default (Dutch) language. And it also does this when I go to the shopping cart afterwords.

Without Artio and Joomfish Router enabled it works fine but with Artio I have this problem.

Any genious ideas???
SEF not working in i ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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