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Profile for baroen

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 17:57
  • Posts: 15
  • Profile Views: 5799
  • Location: Unknown
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I would like to test for the payment method and if it matches "iDeal" show the text.

I added:
{if payment_type = "iDeal"} Deze factuur is voldaan.{/if}

but that resulted in errors.
How should I construct the line to get the result I am looking for?
conditional statemen ...
Category: Feature Requests
Is it possible to let people reserve coferencerooms by the hour, but have 30 minutes mandatory between 2 reservations?
So when someone rents a meetingroom from 10:00 to 11:00, the next available time is 11:30 to 12:30.
From scratch we do not want to offer starting times 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30 and so on.
reserve by hour, wit ...
Category: Community Support
I cannot seem to get my booking form neatly lined out. (see attachement)
Does anybody know how to fix this?
reservation form not ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
Is it possible to calculate the final price of a supplement for the given occupancy?
I have a conference room for hire and want to sell lunches as a supplement. So I configured number of attendees as a occupancy and 'lunch' as supplement.
How can I calculate the total Lunchprice at the supplements tab?
Supplement price mul ...
Category: Community Support
I record the track and trace number of each order in the order_hystory.comment. How can I add this field to the invoice layout so the Track and Trace number appears at the invoice we e-mail to the customer?
Add custom field fro ...
Category: Feature Requests
We allways record customer data, we do not use guest accounts. So I would like to default the guest account checkbox to 'unchecked'
set some default val ...
Category: Feature Requests
I allways start with choosing/entering the customerdata when entering a new order.
So it would make sense to have this block of data at the beginning of the page.
Change order of info ...
Category: Feature Requests
Feature request: Ability to enter AWO couponcodes when entering orders from the back-end
Ability to enter AWO ...
Category: Feature Requests
Thanks for the offer. But what I am really looking for is the ability to enter AWO couponcodes when creating a new order from the BE in VM Invoice.
I wait patiently when this is implemented in a regular release.

Kind regards,
Able to use AWO coup ...
Category: Feature Requests
Or is there a way to use the VM native order comments in VM invoice?
Record Track and Tra ...
Category: Customer Support
I want to record the track and tracenumber of the shipment for each order. I do this using a SQL script called from within the shipping-labeling software. I think the best place to store this number is the Order Note, right?
In what table is this order note stored?
Or should I approach this totally different?
Record Track and Tra ...
Category: Customer Support
I would like to be able to use AWOcoupons in new orders and maybe to add couponcodes to exsisting orders.
Able to use AWO coup ...
Category: Feature Requests
On the DN and invoice some Dutch words (instead of placeholders) are printed, I want to print other words instead. Like 'Afleveringsbewijs' on a DN is not quite right, this should be 'Pakbon'.
Where can I change this?
Also in the {contact} placeholder, my name and address are printed, but the country is ' Netherlands', I would like this to be ' Nederland',: in Dutch.
Where do the terms/w ...
Category: Customer Support
On the DN and invoice there is a price printed at the product attributes, but the strange thing is that there are no attributes selected in that specific order.
Where do these prices come from?
Product attributes s ...
Category: Customer Support
My primary reason for buying this ext would be the ability to create orders from the BE.

Is VM invoice compatible with my other main VM extensions: AWO Coupon, AWO affiliate, and (Rupostels) OPC?
Does VM invoice correctly handle discounted productprices?
One thing I miss in the screenshots: are new orders handled exaclty the same as orders created in the FE by normal customers?
Are there any modifications made on the native VM table [orderx] tables?

Hope to hear from you soon.
Kind regards,
before i purchase...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
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