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Profile for barnum.location

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 09:42
  • Posts: 3
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I dont have such a problem with translation files. Sounds like you only have common token in French and others in english. Means that your bookit translation files are ignored.

There is 2 ways of doing :
  • Copy ini files from my post in your \administrator\language\fr-FR\ and in your language\fr-FR
  • or
  • Unzip the bookit package. Copy ini files into the installation package provided by ARTIO and add french language references in booking.xml at the root position. Then update your version with that one giving the folder location.
Pb with translation
Category: Community Support
thanks for your post Lordbdp.

I went into it and I fixed up some mistakes and translation errors. You can find it in attachement a new version.

Major issues was :
- DEPOSIT in our business is an "accompte",
- STORNED means cancelled, it's not english actually, german I guess.
- SUBJET and OBJECT is the same for ARTIO team.
French Language
Category: Translations
Hi all,

I you may know French people are not really confortable with foreign languages. I have to translate the component into French if I want to do business with it.

I'm currently in the process to perform that task. Is there anybody that tried to do so?

Thanks in advance.
French Language
Category: Translations
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