Thanks for the help Peterg. did as you said and added google_calendar_id VARCHAR 254 default: NULL as a new line to the booking_reservation_period table and all was working great.
Thanks so much for the clarification, and the solution to the issue.
Google Calender Sync ...
Posted 10 years, 2 months ago
by apollyonangel
After getting the google calender set up and Loading the Calenders I am receiving the below error when I try and Sync Events. This error seems to occur even with other calenders.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
1054 - An error has occurred.
Unknown column 'p.google_calendar_id' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT COALESCE(p.id,i.id) AS id, i.rtype, i.subject_title, COALESCE(p.from,i.from) AS `from`, COALESCE(p.to,i.to) AS `to`, COALESCE(p.google_calendar_id,i.google_calendar_id) AS google_calendar_id, r.title_before, r.firstname, r.middlename, r.surname, r.title_after, r.company, r.street, r.city, r.country, r.zip, r.email, r.telephone, r.state, r.modified AS rmodified, g.id AS gid, g.modified AS gmodified, s.google_calendar FROM rzlj8_booking_reservation_items AS i JOIN rzlj8_booking_reservation AS r ON r.id = i.reservation_id LEFT JOIN rzlj8_booking_subject AS s ON i.subject = s.id LEFT JOIN rzlj8_booking_google_calendar AS g ON g.id = s.google_calendar LEFT JOIN rzlj8_booking_reservation_period AS p ON p.reservation_item_id = i.id HAVING (google_calendar_id = '' AND state = 1) OR (google_calendar_id <> '' AND gid IS NOT NULL AND rmodified > gmodified)
Google Calender Sync ...
Posted 10 years, 7 months ago
by apollyonangel