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Very slow query searching in the customers table
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TOPIC: Very slow query searching in the customers table

Very slow query searching in the customers table 11 years, 6 months ago #40583


I have a problem with VMinvoices because the really very very slow query searching in the customers table when I'm creating a new order in the back office.

Could you help me to fix it please??

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Very slow query searching in the customers table 11 years, 6 months ago #40617

Any idea?
This is very urgent!! :S
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Re: Very slow query searching in the customers table 11 years, 6 months ago #40667

I had the same problem in version 2.0.23, and changed the way this search as follows:

1) Tunning this querie in the file: \administrator\components\com_vminvoice\helpers\getter.php
In my case only consider in filter the fields after the WHERE clouse:
static function getAjaxUserList($filterOrig)
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$filter = $db->Quote('%'.$db->getEscaped(JString::strtolower(JString::trim($filterOrig)), true).'%');

//get user list with all shipping adresses

//get user list with all shipping adresses

$searchId = is_numeric($filterOrig) ? ' OR BT.virtuemart_user_id = '.(int)$filterOrig : '';
$db->setQuery('SELECT ST.`address_type_name`, ST.`virtuemart_userinfo_id` AS st_user_info_id,
BT.`virtuemart_user_id` AS user_id, BT.`virtuemart_userinfo_id` AS bt_user_info_id,
BT.`last_name`, BT.`first_name`, BT.`title`, BT.`middle_name`, BT.`company`, BT.`city`
FROM `#__virtuemart_userinfos` AS BT
LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_userinfos` AS ST ON (BT.virtuemart_user_id = ST.virtuemart_user_id AND ST.`address_type` = "ST")
LEFT JOIN `#__users` AS U ON
WHERE (BT.`address_type` = "BT"
AND BT.`first_name` LIKE ' . $filter . '
AND BT.`first_name` LIKE ' . $filter . '
OR BT.`CUSTOM_FIELD_1` LIKE ' . $filter . '
'.$searchId . ' ) ORDER BY BT.`first_name`', 0, 50);

/* original querie commented below*/
$searchId = is_numeric($filterOrig) ? ' OR BT.virtuemart_user_id = '.(int)$filterOrig : '';
$db->setQuery('SELECT ST.`address_type_name`, ST.`virtuemart_userinfo_id` AS st_user_info_id,
BT.`virtuemart_user_id` AS user_id, BT.`virtuemart_userinfo_id` AS bt_user_info_id,
BT.`last_name`, BT.`first_name`, BT.`title`, BT.`middle_name`, BT.`company`, BT.`city`
FROM `#__virtuemart_userinfos` AS BT
LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_userinfos` AS ST ON (BT.virtuemart_user_id = ST.virtuemart_user_id AND ST.`address_type` = "ST")
LEFT JOIN `#__users` AS U ON
WHERE (BT.`address_type` = "BT"
AND BT.`last_name` LIKE ' . $filter . '
OR BT.`first_name` LIKE ' . $filter . '
OR U.`email` LIKE ' . $filter . '
OR BT.`company` LIKE ' . $filter . '
OR BT.`city` LIKE ' . $filter . '
OR ST.`address_type_name` LIKE ' . $filter . ' )
ORDER BY BT.`last_name`', 0, 50);

2) Suggestion, change in the file "\administrator\components\com_vminvoice\views\order\tmpl\userinfo.php", on input field "user" the propertie "onkeyup" to execute the function "generateWhisper" only the "enter" is pressed.

[ ]`s
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Re: Very slow query searching in the customers table 11 years, 5 months ago #40987

Hi peterson.gomes

Thanks a lot for your help!

Solved! :)
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