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Shippping IVA and total IVA calculate wrong
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TOPIC: Shippping IVA and total IVA calculate wrong

Shippping IVA and total IVA calculate wrong 11 years, 4 months ago #41261

We have config invoice, but freight cost and total IVA do not calculate correctly.
All our product prices are WITHOUT IVA, so IVA must calculate and apply to total invoice, also same with freight cost.

If we do so, then in totals do not print correctly freight cost and total IVA.
In line of freight cost, subtotal column display it with IVA, when really must apply it to TOTAL of invoice, not in detail.

And in total IVA tax, do not include the freight cost IVA.
WE have try to config template, but all total fields that we select, none display freight cost without IVA, and total IVA (products IVA tax + freight cost IVA tax)

Attached capture screen about it, the line where put 11 and 13.31 is the freight cost, but where put 13.31, really must to put 11, because of all prices must to be without IVA, and IVA must apply only to total of invoice. And in the line where put IVA 21%, only display IVA of products, but do not include IVA of freight cost, and its not correct.
Last Edit: 11 years, 4 months ago by mediakit2010.
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Re: Shippping IVA and total IVA calculate wrong 11 years, 4 months ago #41273

I have quite the same problem, but the iva is showing at -100%

Some suggestions?
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Re: Shippping IVA and total IVA calculate wrong 11 years, 4 months ago #41277

Somebody from ARTIO reply here to questions and solve bugs and problems, or this is a waste of time ???
I'm beginning to think ARTIO has little seriousness and do not resolve problems.

First and last time I buy something to ARTIO, bad product and NULL support.
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Re: Shippping IVA and total IVA calculate wrong 11 years, 4 months ago #41278

Intanto che Artio si decide a rispondere....

Magari ti può essere utile quello che sto facendo..chissà.

Il mio problema con questo componente Vm invoice è proprio per l'Iva.
Per poter tenere i prezzi iva esclusa e calcolare l'iva sui prodotti e sul trasporto solo alla fine della fattura, ho dovuto creare una Tassa e Regola di calcolo chiamata "Tassazione per Fattura".
E faceva quello che diceva, mostrava i prezzi iva esclusa e poi metteva l'iva alla fine di tutte le operazioni.

Ma con il componente Artio mi dà l'errore, mettendomi iva -100% perchè non la vede proprio. Essendo in realtà una tassa, non la vede come iva.

Quindi sono dovuta tornare alla Regola: "Aliquota Iva per prodotto" con il risultato che mi mostra i prezzi con iva inclusa (nella pagina del prodotto poi mi fa vedere lo scorporo dell'iva) ma io volevo visualizzare i prezzi senz'iva.
(Ed ho dovuto anche modificare i trasporti perchè in questo modo me li lasciava senza Iva).
Avevo scaricato questo componente per avere un'impostazione migliore per la fattura e per potergli dare sia un numero che dicevo io, sia il formato della data d-m-y....
Mi ha risolto un problema e me ne ha creato un altro.

Da quello che vedo nelle tua schermata mi sembra che ci sia un problema nelle regole di calcolo.
(qualche somma di regole per intenderci)
Abbiamo lo stesso problema noi quando cerchiamo ad esempio di inserire una regola di sconto del 2% sui pagamenti con bonifici, ma senza scontare anche dalla spedizione . I calcoli non tornano, perchè sembra che vada a togliere una parte del totale, ci aggiunge l'iva e poi va a togliere un tot anche dalla spedizione...insomma un casino. ( non ho capito come fare)

Riguarda bene le regole e tasse, e anche l'ordine in cui sono posizionate dato che dovrebbe (dico dovrebbe perchè ho qualche dubbio in merito) prendere la regola dal nr più basso a quello più alto.

Spero possa essere di qualche utilità...
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Re: Shippping IVA and total IVA calculate wrong 11 years, 4 months ago #41279

Thanks janos2000, for your reply, but solution is not display prices with IVA included, we need that all prices are without iva and apply it to total of invoice.

We have find a solution, but require modify source code, we have do it, and now freight cost print without iva, and total iva include also freight cost iva. But obviously, ARTIO must solve it and provide a product that work properly THEY must amend bugs and provide source code that work, if finally we must to do THEIR work and modify sources by ourself, its not serious, ARTIO do not provide any support, their products fail a lot, calculations have many bugs and display wrong data, its really a DISASTER of product.

ONLY if you modify by yourself source code, will may do that work properly.

Modifications we have do in source code, to print IVA properly are following, edit invoicehtml.php and change this:

Replace this:
$shippingLine = str_replace($subtotalTag,InvoiceCurrencyDisplay::getFullValue($this->order->order_shipping + $this->order->order_shipping_tax, $this->currency),$shippingLine);

By this:
$shippingLine = str_replace($subtotalTag, InvoiceCurrencyDisplay::getFullValue($this->order->order_shipping, $this->currency, $this->showCurrency),$shippingLine);

Replace this:
$ruleLine = str_replace($subtotalTag,InvoiceCurrencyDisplay::getFullValue($rule->calc_amount, $ruleCurrency),$ruleLine);

By this:
$iva_productos = InvoiceCurrencyDisplay::getFullValue($rule->calc_amount);
$iva_transporte = $this->order->order_shipping_tax;
$total_iva = ($iva_productos + $iva_transporte) ." €";
$ruleLine = str_replace($subtotalTag,$total_iva,$ruleLine);

Attached capture screen of invoice, with our modifications, now IVA print correctly, detail line of freight cost do not include IVA, and IVA 21% total line include ALL the IVA (products + freight cost). We must yet translate some texts like "Total Net" to "Base Imponible", but now calculations are right, at least for payment system that do not include any special charge like Paypal, but for payment by Bank transfer or Western Union, calculations and print is now right.

If payment by Paypal, probably will need some more source code modifications to print IVA properly, we are working with it.
Last Edit: 11 years, 4 months ago by mediakit2010.
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Re: Shippping IVA and total IVA calculate wrong 11 years, 4 months ago #41280

I'll try!!!

Many thanks.
And for Artio...they HAVE to fix it because it is not a free component. (and not so cheap)
We'll wait.
I'll post a negative feedback on the component page in joomla if they don't provide.

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