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problem when product names include the & symbol
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TOPIC: problem when product names include the & symbol

problem when product names include the & symbol 12 years, 9 months ago #30229

Hi. I've got a small problem. When adding new lines in the order edit screen, if any of the products contains an "&" symbol, it deletes all the text from the "&" symbol onwards.

The problem only occurs once you add another line following the one that contains the "&" symbol.

For example, we sell a brand called Sea & Sea, which we use at the beginning of the product names, so we might sell the following:

Sea&Sea DX-GE5 camera and housing +2GB SD card
Sea&Sea RDX-600 housing w/ standard port
Sea&Sea Diffuser for YS110/110alpha

But it will end up looking like:

Sea&Sea Diffuser for YS110/110alpha

Any help will be gladly appreciated. Thanks, Adam
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Re: problem when product names include the & symbol 12 years, 9 months ago #30248

  • pama
  • Posts: 489
Hi, thanks. It will be fixed in next release.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: problem when product names include the & symbol 12 years, 9 months ago #30577

Hi. I installed the upgrade on our test server and it fixed the problem. However I then installed it on our live server and the upgrade had no effect. Using the & symbol still breaks it. But if I copy the files and db of the live server onto our test server, the test server still works fine, so obviously the upgrade install on the live sever did work properly.

If you have any ideas of what could be causing the problem, it would be much appreciated.

Thanks, Adam
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Re: problem when product names include the & symbol 12 years, 9 months ago #30579

Oh, silly me, it was all about the cache. The browser cache had to be cleared before it would start working.

It's now working great thanks, Adam
Last Edit: 12 years, 9 months ago by camerasunderwater.
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