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Pop up says "Send Failed" when I try to create new
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TOPIC: Pop up says "Send Failed" when I try to create new

Pop up says "Send Failed" when I try to create new 12 years ago #36516

When I try to create a new order i get a pop up that says "Send Failed". I can click OK but something are not right. I cannot call the products, I try to write the name of one of my products but nothing happens.

What is wrong?
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Re: Pop up says "Send Failed" when I try to create new 12 years ago #36520

  • pama
  • Posts: 489
Hello. This is JavaScript error. If you are using Google Chrome, can you press F12 for debug console, click on Console tab and copy here red message you are seeing? If you are using Joomla! 1.5, this error can be fixed by turning on Mootools Upgrade plugin. Alternatively, you can send us admin credentials to your site and we can fix the problem on place.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Pop up says "Send Failed" when I try to create new 12 years ago #36521

Thank you for answer. I have made printscreen using Chrome:

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Re: Pop up says "Send Failed" when I try to create new 12 years ago #36522

  • pama
  • Posts: 489
Hello. That is probably some other Javascript framework is loaded on page. Typically, it is because some plugins adds for example jQuery to page header without putting it to "no conflict" mode. Do you use some of these plugins (for example jQuery Easy)? Can these plugins be disabled for admin interface? We will need access to your site to investigate the problem.
ARTIO Support Team
Last Edit: 12 years ago by pama.
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Re: Pop up says "Send Failed" when I try to create new 12 years ago #36529

I just found it! It was a plugin that adds functionality to ease add colors to the products in Virtuemart.
Is there a way around if I still need to use this plugin?
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