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Manual invoices not showing up in Virtuemart
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TOPIC: Manual invoices not showing up in Virtuemart

Manual invoices not showing up in Virtuemart 13 years, 3 months ago #25005

Using the latest version, 1.7.2, I just created a manual invoice in VM Invoice. All settings are correct in the invoice and it saved just fine. However, the order is not showing up in Virtuemart. Did not have this problem with 1.6 and I don't believe with 1.7 but can not be sure since I don't remember if I did any manual invoices in 1.7 before updating. What could I be doing wrong or is this a bug? PLEASE HELP!
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Re: Manual invoices not showing up in Virtuemart 13 years, 3 months ago #25006

I just took a look in ccVAOM and the order shows up there just fine. It is just not showing up in VM.
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Re: Manual invoices not showing up in Virtuemart 13 years, 3 months ago #25007

I just created another test invoice and it is not showing up either. When I create the invoice and then select save in VM Invoice, it displays a blank page. The url for the blank page is If I then click the refresh button on my browser, it will re-load and take me to VM Invoice invoices page as it should have and the order shows up. However, it does not show up in VM itself. This is pretty major so quick help on this would be appreciated.
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Re: Manual invoices not showing up in Virtuemart 13 years, 3 months ago #25012

  • jaku

check the order status and other values. VM Invoic has no own tables for these "manually" created orders, so they are stored directly in VirtueMart tables.

Therefore, there should be no reason, why you do not see them in VirtueMart.
The only possible reasons comng to my mind are that either you have there some default filter on, that the manually created orders do not match or that you view is somehow customized that causes the same thing.

So what you need to do is check the records in your database and compare them to what you see/don't see in VirtueMart. The differences should tell you more about possible cause.
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Re: Manual invoices not showing up in Virtuemart 13 years, 3 months ago #25022

Nothing has been customized on my virtuemart that would cause this and I was selecting to view all. The order status was set to confirmed and I was able to see other confirmed orders, just not the 2 new ones created in VM Invoice. Also, none of that explains the blank screen I am getting when saving the new invoice/order.
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Re: Manual invoices not showing up in Virtuemart 13 years, 3 months ago #25023

I have tried looking in the database and am not seeing anything wrong. Then again, I am not real good with that part and really am not sure which table to be looking at. the other thing is, I have ccDashboard installed and it shows the manual created order without any problem and if I click on the order from ccDashboard, it takes me to the order in VM, it just does not show up when viewing orders in VM.

As I said, this just popped up after installing 1.7.2. Never had any issue previously and have not added anything or updated any component other than 1.7.2 so this leads me to believe it is a 1.7.2 caused issue.

I need help with this or I might as well delete 1.7.2 and go back to the older version or just dump it altogether.

What is your policy on buying support tickets? If I buy a support ticked and you go in and find out that there is indeed a bug, do you refund my money or am I just out of luck?
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