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Mail sent but no Mail
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TOPIC: Mail sent but no Mail

Mail sent but no Mail 14 years, 1 month ago #19623

I receive the message "Mail has been sent." But I dont get any Mail in my testaccount . In the configuration is "joomla" as my mail-config selected and all other aplication can sent mail with the "joomla-mail-config".

I hope somebody can help me.

Thank you!
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Re: Mail sent but no Mail 14 years, 1 month ago #19624

  • jaku
Well, you should track the mailserver logs to see if problem is at the side of sending or receiving server.
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Re: Mail sent but no Mail 14 years, 1 month ago #19697

The mailserver dont receive any mail. We have been tracking the log. But the programm still tell me "mail has been sent"....
I have Joomla as mail-config in the configuration.
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Re: Mail sent but no Mail 14 years, 1 month ago #19700

  • jaku
we found that in version 1.3.4 the message was wrong.

It said "mail sent" even when the sending failed.
Now, in 1.4.0 this should be fixed.

So, please, upgrade and see, if you still get "mail sent" message even when no mail was sent. Now you should correctly see "sent / not sent" and when failed, Joomla should also give reason why.
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Re: Mail sent but no Mail 14 years, 1 month ago #19701

I did the upgrade allready. And now I get mail sent.... but no Mail.
Or shall I put a new user (byer) for each Test?
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Re: Mail sent but no Mail 14 years, 1 month ago #19702

  • jaku
No, there is certainly no need to create new buyer each time.

However, I think then there must be some problem at mail server level or with the fact the mails get blocked from some reason.
(does e.g. the domain you have sent for sender match the site domain and is it authorized by mailserver; I assume other e-mails from Joomla are being sent correctly? - e.g. registration e-mail)
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