Integration with VirtueMart 1.x.x Frontend
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TOPIC: Integration with VirtueMart 1.x.x Frontend
Integration with VirtueMart 1.x.x Frontend 11 years, 10 months ago #38305
I have followed your manuall and added the code for the invoice download option like you explain in page 17 part 4.2.1 and i keep getting Syntc error in the editor when i am adding the code. Please look at the screen image and tell me what i dod wrong. Thank you Stev |
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Re: Integration with VirtueMart 1.x.x Frontend 11 years, 10 months ago #38307
The screen image is of the DW editor were i am adding the code.
Please just have a look at that and see if i placed it properly Thank you
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Re: Integration with VirtueMart 1.x.x Frontend 11 years, 10 months ago #38311
I have added only the part from the doc.
as you can see in the screen image i sent you. Please tell me what am i missing there, i have added only the code from your doc. the total page attach as well. Thank you |
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Re: Integration with VirtueMart 1.x.x Frontend 11 years, 10 months ago #38312
if( !defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) && !defined( '_JEXEC' ) ) die( 'Direct Access to '.basename(__FILE__).' is not allowed.' ); /** * * @version $Id: ps_order.php 2437 2010-06-18 08:41:39Z soeren $ * @package VirtueMart * @subpackage classes * @copyright Copyright (C) 2004-2009 soeren - All rights reserved. * @license www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php * VirtueMart is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or * other free or open source software licenses. * See /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details. * * virtuemart.net */ /** * The class handles orders from an adminstrative perspective. Order * processing is handled in the ps_checkout class. */ class vm_ps_order { /** * Changes the status of an order * @author pablo * @author soeren * @author Uli * * * @param array $d * @return boolean */ function order_status_update(&$d) { global $mosConfig_offset; global $sess, $VM_LANG, $vmLogger; $db = new ps_DB; //$timestamp = time() + ($mosConfig_offset*60*60); //Original $timestamp = time(); //Custom //$mysqlDatetime = date("Y-m-d G:i:s",$timestamp); //Original $mysqlDatetime = date("Y-m-d G:i:s", $timestamp + ($mosConfig_offset*60*60)); //Custom if( empty($_REQUEST['include_comment'])) { $include_comment="N"; } // get the current order status $curr_order_status = @$d["current_order_status"]; $notify_customer = empty($d['notify_customer']) ? "N" : $d['notify_customer']; if( $notify_customer=="Y" ) { $notify_customer=1; } else { $notify_customer=0; } $d['order_comment'] = empty($d['order_comment']) ? "" : $d['order_comment']; if( empty($d['order_item_id']) ) { // When the order is set to "confirmed", we can capture // the Payment with authorize.net if( $curr_order_status=="P" && $d["order_status"]=="C") { $q = "SELECT order_number,payment_class,order_payment_trans_id FROM #__{vm}_payment_method,#__{vm}_order_payment,#__{vm}_orders WHERE "; $q .= "#__{vm}_order_payment.order_id='".$db->getEscaped($d['order_id'])."' "; $q .= "AND #__{vm}_orders.order_id='".$db->getEscaped($d['order_id'])."' "; $q .= "AND #__{vm}_order_payment.payment_method_id=#__{vm}_payment_method.payment_method_id"; $db->query( $q ); $db->next_record(); $payment_class = $db->f("payment_class"); $d["order_number"] = $db->f("order_number"); switch( $payment_class ) { case "ps_authorize": require_once( CLASSPATH."payment/ps_authorize.cfg.php"); if( AN_TYPE == 'AUTH_ONLY' ) { require_once( CLASSPATH."payment/ps_authorize.php"); $authorize = new ps_authorize(); if( !$authorize->capture_payment( $d )) { return false; } } break; default: // default case for payment methods that allow to "capture" the payment if( is_file( CLASSPATH.'payment/'.basename($payment_class).'.php' ) ) { require_once( CLASSPATH.'payment/'.basename($payment_class).'.php' ); if( !class_exists($payment_class)) break; $paymentObj = new $payment_class(); if( !method_exists($paymentObj,'capture_payment')) break; if( !$paymentObj->capture_payment( $d )) { return false; } } break; } } /* * This is like the test above for delayed capture only * we (well, I - durian) don't think the credit card * should be captured until the item(s) are shipped. * In fact, VeriSign says not to capture the cards until * the item ships. Maybe this behavior should be a * configurable item? * * When the order changes from Confirmed or Pending to * Shipped, perform the delayed capture. * * Restricted to PayFlow Pro for now. */ if( ($curr_order_status=="P" || $curr_order_status=="C") && $d["order_status"]=="S") { $q = "SELECT order_number,payment_class,order_payment_trans_id FROM #__{vm}_payment_method,#__{vm}_order_payment,#__{vm}_orders WHERE "; $q .= "#__{vm}_order_payment.order_id='".$db->getEscaped($d['order_id'])."' "; $q .= "AND #__{vm}_orders.order_id='".$db->getEscaped($d['order_id'])."' "; $q .= "AND #__{vm}_order_payment.payment_method_id=#__{vm}_payment_method.payment_method_id"; $db->query( $q ); $db->next_record(); $payment_class = $db->f("payment_class"); if( $payment_class=="payflow_pro" ) { require_once( CLASSPATH."payment/payflow_pro.cfg.php"); if( PFP_TYPE == 'A' ) { require_once( CLASSPATH."payment/payflow_pro.php"); $pfp = new ps_pfp(); $d["order_number"] = $db->f("order_number"); if( !$pfp->capture_payment( $d )) { return false; } } } } /** * Do capture when product is shipped */ /* if(($curr_order_status == "P" || $curr_order_status == "C") && $d["order_status"]=="S") { $q = "SELECT order_number,payment_class,order_payment_trans_id FROM #__{vm}_payment_method,#__{vm}_order_payment,#__{vm}_orders WHERE "; $q .= "#__{vm}_orders.order_id='".$db->getEscaped($d['order_id'])."' "; $q .= "AND #__{vm}_orders.order_id=#__{vm}_order_payment.order_id "; $q .= "AND #__{vm}_order_payment.payment_method_id=#__{vm}_payment_method.payment_method_id"; $db->query( $q ); $db->next_record(); $payment_class = strtolower(basename($db->f("payment_class"))); if( file_exists( CLASSPATH.'payment/'.$payment_class.'.php' )) { require_once( CLASSPATH."payment/$payment_class.php"); $payment = new $payment_class(); $d["order_number"] = $db->f("order_number"); if( is_callable( array( $payment, 'capture_payment' ))) { if( !$payment->capture_payment( $d )) { return false; } } } }*/ /* * If a pending order gets cancelled, void the authorization. * * It might work on captured cards too, if we want to * void shipped orders. * */ if( $curr_order_status=="P" && $d["order_status"]=="X") { $q = "SELECT order_number,payment_class,order_payment_trans_id FROM #__{vm}_payment_method,#__{vm}_order_payment,#__{vm}_orders WHERE "; $q .= "#__{vm}_order_payment.order_id='".$db->getEscaped($d['order_id'])."' "; $q .= "AND #__{vm}_orders.order_id='".$db->getEscaped($d['order_id'])."' "; $q .= "AND #__{vm}_order_payment.payment_method_id=#__{vm}_payment_method.payment_method_id"; $db->query( $q ); $db->next_record(); $payment_class = strtolower(basename($db->f("payment_class"))); if( file_exists( CLASSPATH.'payment/'.$payment_class.'.php' )) { require_once( CLASSPATH."payment/$payment_class.php"); $payment = new $payment_class(); $d["order_number"] = $db->f("order_number"); if( is_callable( array( $payment, 'void_authorization' ))) { if( !$payment->void_authorization( $d )) { return false; } } } } // Do a Refund if( $d['order_status']=='R' && $curr_order_status != 'R') { $vmLogger->debug("Initiating Refund"); $q = 'SELECT order_number,payment_class,order_payment_trans_id FROM #__{vm}_payment_method,#__{vm}_order_payment,#__{vm}_orders WHERE '; $q .= '#__{vm}_orders.order_id=\''.$db->getEscaped($d['order_id']).'\' '; $q .= 'AND #__{vm}_orders.order_id=#__{vm}_order_payment.order_id '; $q .= 'AND #__{vm}_order_payment.payment_method_id=#__{vm}_payment_method.payment_method_id'; $db->query( $q ); $db->next_record(); $payment_class = strtolower(basename($db->f("payment_class"))); $vmLogger->debug('Payment Class: '.$payment_class); if( file_exists( CLASSPATH.'payment/'.$payment_class.'.php' )) { $vmLogger->debug('Found Payment Module'); require_once( CLASSPATH."payment/$payment_class.php"); $payment = new $payment_class(); $d["order_number"] = $db->f("order_number"); if( is_callable( array( $payment, 'do_refund' ))) { $vmLogger->debug('Can call do_refund'); if( !$payment->do_refund( $d )) { $vmLogger->debug('failed to do refund'); return false; } } } } $fields =array( 'order_status'=> $d["order_status"], 'mdate'=> $timestamp ); $db->buildQuery('UPDATE', '#__{vm}_orders', $fields, "WHERE order_id='" . $db->getEscaped($d["order_id"]) . "'"); $db->query(); // Update the Order History. $fields = array( 'order_id' => $d["order_id"], 'order_status_code' => $d["order_status"], 'date_added' => $mysqlDatetime, 'customer_notified' => $notify_customer, 'comments' => $d['order_comment'] ); $db->buildQuery('INSERT', '#__{vm}_order_history', $fields ); $db->query(); // Do we need to re-update the Stock Level? if( (strtoupper($d["order_status"]) == "X" || strtoupper($d["order_status"])=="R") // && CHECK_STOCK == '1' && $curr_order_status != $d["order_status"] ) { // Get the order items and update the stock level // to the number before the order was placed $q = "SELECT product_id, product_quantity FROM #__{vm}_order_item WHERE order_id='".$db->getEscaped($d["order_id"])."'"; $db->query( $q ); $dbu = new ps_DB; require_once( CLASSPATH.'ps_product.php'); // Now update each ordered product while( $db->next_record() ) { if( ENABLE_DOWNLOADS == '1' && ps_product::is_downloadable($db->f("product_id")) && VM_DOWNLOADABLE_PRODUCTS_KEEP_STOCKLEVEL == '1') { $q = "UPDATE #__{vm}_product SET product_sales=product_sales-".$db->f("product_quantity")." WHERE product_id=".$db->f("product_id"); $dbu->query( $q ); } else { $q = "UPDATE #__{vm}_product SET product_in_stock=product_in_stock+".$db->f("product_quantity").", product_sales=product_sales-".$db->f("product_quantity")." WHERE product_id=".$db->f("product_id"); $dbu->query( $q ); } } } // Update the Order Items' status $q = "SELECT order_item_id FROM #__{vm}_order_item WHERE order_id=".$db->getEscaped($d['order_id']); $db->query($q); $dbu = new ps_DB; while ($db->next_record()) { $item_id = $db->f("order_item_id"); $fields =array( 'order_status'=> $d["order_status"], 'mdate'=> $timestamp ); $dbu->buildQuery('UPDATE', '#__{vm}_order_item', $fields, "WHERE order_item_id='" .(int)$item_id . "'"); $dbu->query(); } if (ENABLE_DOWNLOADS == '1') { ################## ## DOWNLOAD MOD $this->mail_download_id( $d ); } if( !empty($notify_customer) ) { $this->notify_customer( $d ); } } elseif( !empty($d['order_item_id'])) { // Update the Order Items' status $q = "SELECT order_item_id, product_id, product_quantity FROM #__{vm}_order_item WHERE order_id=".$db->getEscaped($d['order_id']) . ' AND order_item_id='.intval( $d['order_item_id'] ); $db->query($q); $item_product_id = $db->f('product_id'); $item_product_quantity = $db->f('product_quantity'); require_once( CLASSPATH. 'ps_product.php' ); if( ENABLE_DOWNLOADS == '1' && ps_product::is_downloadable($item_product_id) && VM_DOWNLOADABLE_PRODUCTS_KEEP_STOCKLEVEL == '1') { $q = "UPDATE #__{vm}_product SET product_sales=product_sales-".$item_product_quantity." WHERE product_id=".$item_product_id; $db->query( $q ); } else { $q = "UPDATE #__{vm}_product SET product_in_stock=product_in_stock+".$item_product_quantity.", product_sales=product_sales-".$item_product_quantity." WHERE product_id=".$item_product_id; $db->query( $q ); } $fields =array( 'order_status'=> $d["order_status"], 'mdate'=> $timestamp ); $db->buildQuery('UPDATE', '#__{vm}_order_item', $fields, 'WHERE order_item_id='.intval( $d['order_item_id'] )); return $db->query() !== false; } // dispatch event for virtuemart alpha rewards points ----------------------------------------------------- $dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance(); $returnValues = $dispatcher->trigger('plgVmOnUpdateOrderPayment', array($d, $d['current_order_status'])); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return true; } /** * mails the Download-ID to the customer * or deletes the Download-ID from the product_downloads table * * @param array $d * @return boolean */ function mail_download_id( &$d ){ global $sess, $VM_LANG, $vmLogger; $url = URL."index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.downloads&Itemid=".$sess->getShopItemid(); $db = new ps_DB(); $db->query( 'SELECT order_status FROM #__{vm}_orders WHERE order_id='.(int)$d['order_id'] ); $db->next_record(); if (in_array($db->f("order_status"), array(ENABLE_DOWNLOAD_STATUS,'S'))) { $dbw = new ps_DB; $q = "SELECT order_id,user_id,download_id,file_name FROM #__{vm}_product_download WHERE"; $q .= " order_id = '" . (int)$d["order_id"] . "'"; $dbw->query($q); $dbw->next_record(); $userid = $dbw->f("user_id"); $download_id = $dbw->f("download_id"); $datei=$dbw->f("file_name"); $dbw->reset(); if ($download_id) { $dbv = new ps_DB; $q = "SELECT * FROM #__{vm}_vendor WHERE vendor_id='1'"; $dbv->query($q); $dbv->next_record(); $db = new ps_DB; $q="SELECT first_name,last_name, user_email FROM #__{vm}_user_info WHERE user_id = '$userid' AND address_type='BT'"; $db->query($q); $db->next_record(); $message = $VM_LANG->_('HI',false) .' '. $db->f("first_name") .($db->f("middle_name")?' '.$db->f("middle_name") : '' ). ' ' . $db->f("last_name") . ",\n\n"; $message .= $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_DOWNLOADS_SEND_MSG_1',false).".\n"; $message .= $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_DOWNLOADS_SEND_MSG_2',false)."\n\n"; while($dbw->next_record()) { $message .= basename($dbw->f("file_name")).": ".$dbw->f("download_id") . "\n$url&download_id=".$dbw->f("download_id")."\n\n"; } $message .= $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_DOWNLOADS_SEND_MSG_3',false) . DOWNLOAD_MAX."\n"; $expire = ((DOWNLOAD_EXPIRE / 60) / 60) / 24; $message .= str_replace("{expire}", $expire, $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_DOWNLOADS_SEND_MSG_4',false)); $message .= "\n\n____________________________________________________________\n"; $message .= $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_DOWNLOADS_SEND_MSG_5',false)."\n"; $message .= $dbv->f("vendor_name") . " \n" . URL."\n\n".$dbv->f("contact_email") . "\n"; $message .= "____________________________________________________________\n"; $message .= $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_DOWNLOADS_SEND_MSG_6',false) . $dbv->f("vendor_name"); $mail_Body = $message; $mail_Subject = $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_DOWNLOADS_SEND_SUBJ',false); $from = $dbv->f("contact_email") ? $dbv->f("contact_email") : $GLOBALS['mosConfig_mailfrom']; $result = vmMail( $from, $dbv->f("vendor_name"), $db->f("user_email"), $mail_Subject, $mail_Body, '' ); if ($result) { $vmLogger->info( $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_DOWNLOADS_SEND_MSG',false). " ". $db->f("first_name") . " " . $db->f("last_name") . " ".$db->f("user_email") ); } else { $vmLogger->warning( $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_DOWNLOADS_ERR_SEND',false)." ". $db->f("first_name") . " " . $db->f("last_name") . ", ".$db->f("user_email") ); } } } elseif ( in_array(vmGet($d,'order_status'), array(DISABLE_DOWNLOAD_STATUS,'X','R'))) { $q = "DELETE FROM #__{vm}_product_download WHERE order_id=" . (int)$d["order_id"]; $db->query($q); $db->next_record(); } return true; } /** * notifies the customer that the Order Status has been changed * * @param array $d */ function notify_customer( &$d ){ global $sess, $VM_LANG, $vmLogger; $url = SECUREURL."index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=account.order_details&order_id=".urlencode($d["order_id"]).'&Itemid='.$sess->getShopItemid(); $db = new ps_DB; $dbv = new ps_DB; $q = "SELECT vendor_name,contact_email FROM #__{vm}_vendor "; $q .= "WHERE vendor_id='".$_SESSION['ps_vendor_id']."'"; $dbv->query($q); $dbv->next_record(); $q = "SELECT first_name,last_name,user_email,order_status_name FROM #__{vm}_order_user_info,#__{vm}_orders,#__{vm}_order_status "; $q .= "WHERE #__{vm}_orders.order_id = '".$db->getEscaped($d["order_id"])."' "; $q .= "AND #__{vm}_orders.user_id = #__{vm}_order_user_info.user_id "; $q .= "AND #__{vm}_orders.order_id = #__{vm}_order_user_info.order_id "; $q .= "AND order_status = order_status_code "; $db->query($q); $db->next_record(); // MAIL BODY $message = $VM_LANG->_('HI',false) .' '. $db->f("first_name") . ($db->f("middle_name")?' '.$db->f("middle_name") : '' ). ' ' . $db->f("last_name") . ",\n\n"; $message .= $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_ORDER_STATUS_CHANGE_SEND_MSG_1',false)."\n\n"; if( !empty($d['include_comment']) && !empty($d['order_comment']) ) { $message .= $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_ORDER_HISTORY_COMMENT_EMAIL',false).":\n"; $message .= $d['order_comment']; $message .= "\n____________________________________________________________\n\n"; } $message .= $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_ORDER_STATUS_CHANGE_SEND_MSG_2',false)."\n"; $message .= "____________________________________________________________\n\n"; $message .= $db->f("order_status_name"); if( VM_REGISTRATION_TYPE != 'NO_REGISTRATION' ) { $message .= "\n____________________________________________________________\n\n"; $message .= $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_ORDER_STATUS_CHANGE_SEND_MSG_3',false)."\n"; $message .= $url; } $message .= "\n\n____________________________________________________________\n"; $message .= $dbv->f("vendor_name") . " \n"; $message .= URL."\n"; $message .= $dbv->f("contact_email"); $message = str_replace( "{order_id}", $d["order_id"], $message ); $mail_Body = html_entity_decode($message); $mail_Subject = str_replace( "{order_id}", $d["order_id"], $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_ORDER_STATUS_CHANGE_SEND_SUBJ',false)); $result = vmMail( $dbv->f("contact_email"), $dbv->f("vendor_name"), $db->f("user_email"), $mail_Subject, $mail_Body, '' ); /* Send the email */ if ($result) { $vmLogger->info( $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_DOWNLOADS_SEND_MSG',false). " ". $db->f("first_name") . " " . $db->f("last_name") . ", ".$db->f("user_email") ); } else { $vmLogger->warning( $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_DOWNLOADS_ERR_SEND',false).' '. $db->f("first_name") . " " . $db->f("last_name") . ", ".$db->f("user_email")." (". $result->ErrorInfo.")" ); } } /** * This function inserts the DOWNLOAD IDs for all files associated with this product * so the customer can later download the purchased files * @static * @since 1.1.0 * @param int $product_id * @param int $order_id * @param int $user_id */ function insert_downloads_for_product( &$d ) { $db = new ps_DB(); $dbd = new ps_DB(); if( empty( $d['product_id'] ) || empty( $d['order_id'] )) { return false; } $dl = "SELECT attribute_name,attribute_value "; $dl .= "FROM #__{vm}_product_attribute WHERE product_id='".$d['product_id']."'"; $dl .= " AND attribute_name='download'"; $db->query($dl); $dlnum = 0; while($db->next_record()) { $str = (int)$d['order_id']; $str .= $d['product_id']; $str .= uniqid('download_'); $str .= $dlnum++; $str .= time(); $download_id = md5($str); $fields = array('product_id' => $d['product_id'], 'user_id' => (int)$d['user_id'], 'order_id' => (int)$d['order_id'], 'end_date' => '0', 'download_max' => DOWNLOAD_MAX, 'download_id' => $download_id, 'file_name' => $db->f("attribute_value") ); $dbd->buildQuery('INSERT', '#__{vm}_product_download', $fields ); $dbd->query(); } } /** * Handles a download Request * * @param array $d * @return boolean */ function download_request(&$d) { global $download_id, $VM_LANG, $vmLogger; $db = new ps_DB; $download_id = $db->getEscaped( vmGet( $d, "download_id" ) ); $q = "SELECT * FROM #__{vm}_product_download WHERE"; $q .= " download_id = '$download_id'"; $db->query($q); $db->next_record(); $download_id = $db->f("download_id"); $file_name = $db->f("file_name"); if( strncmp($file_name, 'http', 4 ) !== 0) { $datei = DOWNLOADROOT . $file_name; } else { $datei = $file_name; } $download_max = $db->f("download_max"); $end_date = $db->f("end_date"); $zeit=time(); if (!$download_id) { $vmLogger->err( $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_DOWNLOADS_ERR_INV',false) ); return false; //vmRedirect("index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.downloads", $d["error"]); } elseif ($download_max=="0") { $q ="DELETE FROM #__{vm}_product_download"; $q .=" WHERE download_id = '" . $download_id . "'"; $db->query($q); $db->next_record(); $vmLogger->err( $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_DOWNLOADS_ERR_MAX',false) ); return false; //vmRedirect("index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.downloads", $d["error"]); } elseif ($end_date!="0" && $zeit > $end_date) { $q ="DELETE FROM #__{vm}_product_download"; $q .=" WHERE download_id = '" . $download_id . "'"; $db->query($q); $db->next_record(); $vmLogger->err( $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_DOWNLOADS_ERR_EXP',false) ); return false; //vmRedirect("index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.downloads", $d["error"]); } require_once(CLASSPATH.'connectionTools.class.php'); $download_count = true; if ( @file_exists( $datei ) ){ // Check if this is a request for a special range of the file (=Resume Download) $range_request = vmConnector::http_rangeRequest( filesize($datei), false ); if( $range_request[0] == 0 ) { // this is not a request to resume a download, $download_count = true; } else { $download_count = false; } } else { $download_count = false; } // Parameter to check if the file should be removed after download, which is only true, // if we have a remote file, which was transferred to this server into a temporary file $unlink = false; if( strncmp($datei, 'http', 4 ) === 0) { require_once( CLASSPATH.'ps_product_files.php'); $datei_local = ps_product_files::getRemoteFile($datei); if( $datei_local !== false ) { $datei = $datei_local; $unlink = true; } else { $vmLogger->err( $VM_LANG->_('VM_DOWNLOAD_FILE_NOTFOUND',false) ); return false; } } else { // Check, if file path is correct // and file is if ( !@file_exists( $datei ) ){ $vmLogger->err( $VM_LANG->_('VM_DOWNLOAD_FILE_NOTFOUND',false) ); return false; //vmRedirect("index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.downloads", $d["error"]); } if ( !@is_readable( $datei ) ) { $vmLogger->err( $VM_LANG->_('VM_DOWNLOAD_FILE_NOTREADABLE',false) ); return false; //vmRedirect("index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.downloads", $d["error"]); } } if( $download_count ) { // decrement the download_max to limit the number of downloads $q ="UPDATE `#__{vm}_product_download` SET"; $q .=" `download_max`=`download_max` - 1"; $q .=" WHERE download_id = '" .$download_id. "'"; $db->query($q); $db->next_record(); } if ($end_date=="0") { // Set the Download Expiry Date, so the download can expire after DOWNLOAD_EXPIRE seconds $end_date=time('u') + DOWNLOAD_EXPIRE; $q ="UPDATE #__{vm}_product_download SET"; $q .=" end_date=$end_date"; $q .=" WHERE download_id = '" . $download_id . "'"; $db->query($q); $db->next_record(); } if (ereg('Opera(/| )([0-9].[0-9]{1,2})', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $UserBrowser = "Opera"; } elseif (ereg('MSIE ([0-9].[0-9]{1,2})', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $UserBrowser = "IE"; } else { $UserBrowser = ''; } $mime_type = ($UserBrowser == 'IE' || $UserBrowser == 'Opera') ? 'application/octetstream' : 'application/octet-stream'; // dump anything in the buffer while( @ob_end_clean() ); vmConnector::sendFile( $datei, $mime_type, basename($file_name) ); if( $unlink ) { // remove the temporarily downloaded remote file @unlink( $datei ); } $GLOBALS['vm_mainframe']->close(true); } /** * Shows the list of the orders of a user in the account mainenance section * * @param string $order_status Filter by order status (A=all, C=confirmed, P=pending,...) * @param int $secure Restrict the order list to a specific user id (=1) or not (=0)? */ function list_order($order_status='A', $secure=0 ) { global $VM_LANG, $CURRENCY_DISPLAY, $sess, $limit, $limitstart, $keyword, $mm_action_url; $ps_vendor_id = $_SESSION["ps_vendor_id"]; $auth = $_SESSION['auth']; require_once( CLASSPATH .'ps_order_status.php'); require_once( CLASSPATH .'htmlTools.class.php'); require_once( CLASSPATH .'pageNavigation.class.php'); $db = new ps_DB; $dbs = new ps_DB; $listfields = 'o.order_id,o.cdate,order_total,o.order_status,order_currency'; $countfields = 'count(*) as num_rows'; $count = "SELECT $countfields FROM #__{vm}_orders o "; $list = "SELECT DISTINCT $listfields FROM #__{vm}_orders o "; $q = "WHERE o.vendor_id='$ps_vendor_id' "; if ($order_status != "A") { $q .= "AND order_status='$order_status' "; } if ($secure) { $q .= "AND user_id='" . $auth["user_id"] . "' "; } if( !empty( $keyword )) { $count .= ', #__{vm}_order_item oi '; $list .= ', #__{vm}_order_item oi '; $q .= "AND (order_item_sku LIKE '%".$keyword."%' "; $q .= "OR order_number LIKE '%".$keyword."%' "; $q .= "OR o.order_id=".(int)$keyword.' '; $q .= "OR order_item_name LIKE '%".$keyword."%') "; $q .= "AND oi.order_id=o.order_id "; } $q .= "ORDER BY o.cdate DESC"; $count .= $q; $db->query($count); $db->next_record(); $num_rows = $db->f('num_rows'); if( $num_rows == 0 ) { echo "<span style=\"font-style:italic;\">".$VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_ACC_NO_ORDERS')."</span>\n"; return; } $pageNav = new vmPageNav( $num_rows, $limitstart, $limit ); $list .= $q .= " LIMIT ".$pageNav->limitstart.", $limit "; $db->query( $list ); $listObj = new listFactory( $pageNav ); if( $num_rows > 0 ) { // print out the search field and a list heading $listObj->writeSearchHeader( '', '', 'account', 'index'); } // start the list table $listObj->startTable(); $listObj->writeTableHeader( 4 ); while ($db->next_record()) { $order_status = ps_order_status::getOrderStatusName($db->f("order_status")); $listObj->newRow(); $tmp_cell = "<a href=\"". $sess->url( $mm_action_url."index.php?page=account.order_details&order_id=".$db->f("order_id") )."\">\n"; $tmp_cell .= "<img src=\"".IMAGEURL."ps_image/goto.png\" height=\"32\" width=\"32\" align=\"middle\" border=\"0\" alt=\"".$VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_ORDER_LINK')."\" /> ".$VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_VIEW')."</a><br />"; $listObj->addCell( $tmp_cell ); $tmp_cell = "<strong>".$VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_ORDER_PRINT_PO_DATE').":</strong> " . vmFormatDate($db->f("cdate"), "%d. %B %Y"); $tmp_cell .= "<br /><strong>".$VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_ORDER_PRINT_TOTAL').":</strong> " . $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue($db->f("order_total"), '', $db->f('order_currency')); $listObj->addCell( $tmp_cell ); $tmp_cell = "<strong>".$VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_ORDER_PRINT_PO_STATUS').":</strong> ".$order_status; $tmp_cell .= "<br /><strong>".$VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_ORDER_PRINT_PO_NUMBER').":</strong> " . sprintf("%08d", $db->f("order_id")); $listObj->addCell( $tmp_cell ); $pdf_url = "index.php?option=com_vminvoice&controller=invoices". "&task=pdf&cid=".$db->f("order_id"); $tmp_cell = ($db->f("order_status") == 'C OR $db->f("order_status") == 'C') ? '<a href="'. JRoute::_($pdf_url).'"><img src="'.JURI::base(). 'plugins/editors/jce/tiny_mce/plugins/filemanager/img/ext/pdf_small.gif" '. '/> '.JText::_('Invoice') .' </a>' : ''; $listObj->addCell( $tmp_cell ); } $listObj->writeTable(); $listObj->endTable(); if( $num_rows > 0 ) { $listObj->writeFooter( $keyword, '&Itemid='.$sess->getShopItemid() ); } } /** * Validate form values prior to delete * * @param int $order_id * @return boolean */ function validate_delete($order_id) { global $VM_LANG; $db = new ps_DB; if(empty( $order_id )) { $GLOBALS['vmLogger']->err($VM_LANG->_('VM_ORDER_DELETE_ERR_ID')); return False; } return True; } /** * Controller for Deleting Records. */ function delete(&$d) { $record_id = $d["order_id"]; if( is_array( $record_id)) { foreach( $record_id as $record) { if( !$this->delete_record( $record, $d )) return false; } return true; } else { return $this->delete_record( $record_id, $d ); } } /** * Deletes one Record. */ function delete_record( $record_id, &$d ) { global $db; $record_id = intval( $record_id ); if ($this->validate_delete($record_id)) { $dbu = new ps_db(); // Get the order items and update the stock level // to the number before the order was placed $q = "SELECT order_status, product_id, product_quantity FROM #__{vm}_order_item WHERE order_id=$record_id"; $db->query( $q ); require_once( CLASSPATH .'ps_product.php' ); // Now update each ordered product while( $db->next_record() ) { if( in_array( $db->f('order_status'), array('P', 'X', 'R') )) continue; if( ENABLE_DOWNLOADS == '1' && ps_product::is_downloadable($db->f("product_id")) && VM_DOWNLOADABLE_PRODUCTS_KEEP_STOCKLEVEL == '1') { $q = "UPDATE #__{vm}_product SET product_sales=product_sales-".$db->f("product_quantity")." WHERE product_id=".$db->f("product_id"); $dbu->query( $q ); } else { $q = "UPDATE #__{vm}_product SET product_in_stock=product_in_stock+".$db->f("product_quantity").", product_sales=product_sales-".$db->f("product_quantity")." WHERE product_id=".$db->f("product_id"); $dbu->query( $q ); } } $q = "DELETE from #__{vm}_orders where order_id='$record_id'"; $db->query($q); $q = "DELETE from #__{vm}_order_item where order_id='$record_id'"; $db->query($q); $q = "DELETE from #__{vm}_order_payment where order_id='$record_id'"; $db->query($q); $q = "DELETE from #__{vm}_product_download where order_id='$record_id'"; $db->query($q); $q = "DELETE from #__{vm}_order_history where order_id='$record_id'"; $db->query($q); $q = "DELETE from #__{vm}_order_user_info where order_id='$record_id'"; $db->query($q); $q = "DELETE FROM #__{vm}_shipping_label where order_id=$record_id"; $db->query($q); return True; } else { return False; } } /** * Creates the order navigation on the order print page * * @param int $order_id * @return boolean */ function order_print_navigation( $order_id=1 ) { global $sess, $modulename, $VM_LANG; $navi_db = new ps_DB; $navigation = "<div align=\"center\">\n<strong>\n"; $q = "SELECT order_id FROM #__{vm}_orders WHERE "; $q .= "order_id < '$order_id' ORDER BY order_id DESC"; $navi_db->query($q); $navi_db->next_record(); if ($navi_db->f("order_id")) { $url = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?page=$modulename.order_print&order_id="; $url .= $navi_db->f("order_id"); $navigation .= "<a class=\"pagenav\" href=\"" . $sess->url($url) . "\">< " .$VM_LANG->_('ITEM_PREVIOUS')."</a> | "; } else $navigation .= "<span class=\"pagenav\">< " .$VM_LANG->_('ITEM_PREVIOUS')." | </span>"; $q = "SELECT order_id FROM #__{vm}_orders WHERE "; $q .= "order_id > '$order_id' ORDER BY order_id"; $navi_db->query($q); $navi_db->next_record(); if ($navi_db->f("order_id")) { $url = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?page=$modulename.order_print&order_id="; $url .= $navi_db->f("order_id"); $navigation .= "<a class=\"pagenav\" href=\"" . $sess->url($url) ."\">". $VM_LANG->_('ITEM_NEXT')." ></a>"; } else { $navigation .= "<span class=\"pagenav\">".$VM_LANG->_('ITEM_NEXT')." ></span>"; } $navigation .= "\n<strong>\n</div>\n"; return $navigation; } } // Check if there is an extended class in the Themes and if it is allowed to use them // If the class is called outside Virtuemart, we have to make sure to load the settings // Thomas Kahl - Feb. 2009 if (!defined('VM_ALLOW_EXTENDED_CLASSES') && file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/../virtuemart.cfg.php')) { include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/../virtuemart.cfg.php'); } // If settings are loaded, extended Classes are allowed and the class exisits... if (defined('VM_ALLOW_EXTENDED_CLASSES') && defined('VM_THEMEPATH') && VM_ALLOW_EXTENDED_CLASSES && file_exists(VM_THEMEPATH.'user_class/'.basename(__FILE__))) { // Load the theme-user_class as extended include_once(VM_THEMEPATH.'user_class/'.basename(__FILE__)); } else { // Otherwise we have to use the original classname to extend the core-class class ps_order extends vm_ps_order {} } $ps_order = new ps_order; ?> |
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