In the FAQ's there ist the description how to replace the orignial virtuemart invoice
Step one ok but i have a problem with step 2:
Step form your FAQ:
----------- START -------------------
"Open file JOOMLA_ROOT /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/models/orders.php
Find line 1290 (can differ depends on your version of VM)
And replace
// Send the email
if (shopFunctionsF::renderMail('invoice', $order['details']['BT']->email, $vars, null,$vars['doVendor'])) {
// Send the email
$res = shopFunctionsF::renderMail('invoice', $order['details']['BT']->email, $vars, null,$vars['doVendor']);
if ($res===null) //edited: ARTIO: when sent to customer disabled, dont display message.
return true;
if ($res) {
-------------------- END -------------
but in the orignial orders.phr from virtuemart there is no line
if (shopFunctionsF::renderMail('invoice', $order['details']['BT']->email, $vars, null,$vars['doVendor'])) {
the only line i found is
$res = shopFunctionsF::renderMail('invoice', $order['details']['BT']->email, $vars, null,$vars['doVendor'],$this->useDefaultEmailOrderStatus);