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Final sales price instead of base price?
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TOPIC: Final sales price instead of base price?

Final sales price instead of base price? 12 years ago #34828

Is it also possible to print the final sales price of an product on the invoice.

Now I can only use price, price_withtax and price_notax non of these are giving me the final sales price after discounts and vat.

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Re: Final sales price instead of base price? 12 years ago #34832

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

there is no tag you are looking for. I will discuss it with component developers.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Final sales price instead of base price? 12 years ago #34833


Hope they can make it or else provide the place where I can re-assign one of the existing tags
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Re: Final sales price instead of base price? 12 years ago #34853

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107
What type of final price do you mean? You mean final price for 1 item right?

Edit: Or there is {subtotal_item}, is it usable for you?
ARTIO Support Team
Last Edit: 12 years ago by maju.
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Re: Final sales price instead of base price? 12 years ago #34854

Yes, the price that Is displayed in the website so if there is a discount or price override that price.

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Re: Final sales price instead of base price? 12 years ago #34873

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

did you tried that tag {subtotal_item}? It is price for 1 item with including tax and discount.
ARTIO Support Team
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