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error in this section com_vminvoice//changelog.xml
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TOPIC: error in this section com_vminvoice//changelog.xml

error in this section com_vminvoice//changelog.xml 11 years, 8 months ago #38355


Reviewing v2.5.9 and virtuemart on my Joomla backend, specifically in the section JaExtensions I found this error, joomla technicians have told me that it has to do with your application, that I should do to fix it?,
I look forward to and attached screenshot

Thank you!

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Re: error in this section com_vminvoice//changelog.xml 11 years, 8 months ago #38490

  • jaku

1) I am not sure wherefrom the error is generated -- probably from some other component, although it seems to be reffering to one of vm_invoice files

2) the message is in Spanish, so I do not understand it in full;

3) however, there is no reason why some other component should be working with the changelog file from VM Invoice; more likely it is rather JaExtensions bug which is working with a wrong file
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