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Disabling VM emails
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TOPIC: Disabling VM emails

Disabling VM emails 11 years, 2 months ago #42234

I know the instructions are in the FAQ but i just cant follow them ? Can someone make it a bit clearer please ?

this just doesnt make any sense to me :

Disabling VirtueMart 2.0.22 and newer PDF Invoices

To prevent customer from getting also VM2 native invoices, you first need to create a dummy order status in VirtueMart -> Order Statuses called for example "No Invoice", and then assign it to the "Default Order Status to create an invoice" option in VirtueMart -> Configuration -> Checkout settings. That way the invoice PDF won't be created.

If you don't want your customers to receive any e-mails from VirtueMart at all, set your "No Invoice" status created in previuos step also to the "Default Order Status to send email to shopper" option in VirtueMart -> Configuration -> Checkout settings.

How do you create a dummy status ?
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Re: Disabling VM emails 11 years, 2 months ago #42247

As before no help on this forum and i see there are dozens of questions unanswered, im going to review this one on JED as great if it works but useless if you need a hand and going to try this component :

anyone else tried it ? It gets good reviews and i know they are a lot more helpful that Artio !!
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Re: Disabling VM emails 11 years, 1 month ago #42358

  • vebi
  • Posts: 444

if you don´t want to send your customers any e-mails from VirtueMart, first you have to create new "dummy status" in VirtueMart configuration/ Order Status and then you need to set up "dummy status" you created in the previous step in the "Default Order Status to send email to shopper" option in VirtueMart -> Configuration -> Checkout.
ARTIO Support Team
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