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CRON FILE AND CONFIGURATION 11 years, 11 months ago #38537

We currently have version 2.5.9 Joomla and 2.0. 20b of virtuemart, we bought VM application invoices, but despite the fact that the documentation explains how to set up CRON, we do not find the file in the directory,
Someone I could indicate where this this file, to set the sending of invoices automatic.
I am waiting for your answers.
Thank you
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Re: CRON FILE AND CONFIGURATION 11 years, 11 months ago #38579


If we have the plugin activated, and this configuration mode automatic, but does not generate the invoice and not send it,

Assumes that when automatic confirms the payment, you must generate the invoice and send it automatically, and it does not, do it manually.

VirtueMart if you send the order confirmation, and the email from VMinvoice if it is sent but not the invoice, so the problem is that does not generate the invoice.

How can you fix this?

Thank you
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Re: CRON FILE AND CONFIGURATION 11 years, 10 months ago #38653


I have attached a catch, with the settings required for all configurations, and continues to the problem

I hope that I can help since this is being quite uncomfortable and not let us move forward or be able to check properly,

We are waiting for your help, and resolution of the case,



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Re: CRON FILE AND CONFIGURATION 11 years, 10 months ago #38654


I have attached a catch, with the settings required for all configurations, and continues to the problem

I hope that I can help since this is being quite uncomfortable and not let us move forward or be able to check properly,

We are waiting for your help, and resolution of the case,



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Re: CRON FILE AND CONFIGURATION 11 years, 10 months ago #38655


I have attached a catch, with the settings required for all configurations, and continues to the problem

I hope that I can help since this is being quite uncomfortable and not let us move forward or be able to check properly,

We are waiting for your help, and resolution of the case,




Last Edit: 11 years, 10 months ago by osuarezartio. Reason: capture new
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Re: CRON FILE AND CONFIGURATION 11 years, 10 months ago #38666

changed to avoid errors and intruders

Thank you
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