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Can any body explain (tax issue)
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TOPIC: Can any body explain (tax issue)

Can any body explain (tax issue) 12 years, 4 months ago #33792

Hi everyone. I'm using Artio VM Invoice 2.0.17
VM 2.0.12b
Joomla 2.5.7 Stable

Yesterday I finished updating and making all the necessary changes on this last project, but when running tests and checking with Invoice I get the following surprise:

I did a test purchase with the following result:

This was the order the way it came out.


You can see Subtotal 220,7 (checked and it is correct) the tax subtotal 22,1 (it should be 22.07 but still I understand that it is right) and the TOTAL: 242.8 is correct.

But I tried something. I clicked on the refresh and recalculate ("refrescar y recalcular" in spanish) WITHOUT having changed anything and here comes my surprise:


As you can see it has done some weird modifications on it's own. Besides the changes in the price you get the following results:
Subtotal 220.7 (the same as before; correct) Tax subtotal: 2,04 (obviously wrong) TOTAL: 222,74

Now have in consideration the following facts:

This shop has two tax rates depending on the product. Some products have a 4% VAT and some have 10%. In this example ALL the products should have a 10% VAT (and checking in the products in VM we have seen that they are all set correctly).

If you focus on the Tax column yo will see that some do have that 10% while in others it is set as "Otros" (spanish word for others) but as I said there is no such Tax created as "others".

Could anyone tell me what is going wrong here?!?!? Why do some of them appear like that, and why does Artio Invoice do this weird recalculation????

This is obviously a VERY URGENT matter. Please help!
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Re: Can any body explain (tax issue) 12 years, 4 months ago #33801

Here are some news regarding this issue.

I've changed some parameters in the backend of Artio:

1.- Invoice config/ Config of invoice elements:
- Tax tolerance ratio set from 0.2 to 0
2.- Tax discount into summary set to YES
3.- Tax Summary use rounded values set to NO

With these changes the value of Artio when we refresh in the invoice edition get's closer to what it should be. You can check it here:


Now, one last test we did. What if we just buy 1 unit of each product: nothing! the calculations will be done fine with just 1 cent error margin in a total purchase of 22€. So my guess is that the problem come when you but more than one item and Artio does is calculations when you click on refreshing.

BUT, if I manualy set all the tax from "others" to 10% (that's what it should come like at the begining but it doesnt) then the calculations and the final price are done well.

So if a customer buys and we don't edit the invoce or push on "refresh and recalculate" then the Invoce value comes out right. But many times, we need to change and edit the orders to add some items or edit the quantity for products (if we don't have enough stock, etc). And obviously once those change are made we have to click on "refresh and recalculate" and that's where the problem comes.

It seems there is a problem on Artio recalculating and processing the data. This error doesn't show in Artio if you don't ask to recalculate.

We would apreciate an answer from the development team.

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Re: Can any body explain (tax issue) 12 years, 4 months ago #33827

I think we have the same problem, please look at my calculations (last post):

I don't understand spanish but i think your invoice does the same weird calculation trick...
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Re: Can any body explain (tax issue) 12 years, 4 months ago #33843

We finaly got the solution, but before posting it we would let know that the Artio support team did not make any effort to answer us, neither in this post or by private email when we also wrote them at the same time we posted the problem here. But when we wrote them regarding some questions we had about the component before buying it, they took MINUTES to answer. So we strongly recomend them to be effective in the same way both for pre-purchase and post-purchase support.

Now the solution. It all has to do with the rounding and the coordination between VM and Artio. So what we did was very simple, we set the rounding calculation to 5 digits but kept showing only 2 (decimals). Take a look at the pictures to understand this:


As simple and stupid as this was or looked, it obviously took a while to figure out that THIS was the problem. I recomend using the value 5, since even for 3 or 4, it kept giving the mistake explained on previous posts. When implementing this configuration and getting back to Artio, we saw that in the same purchases the tax value was set back to what it should be and none of those taxes showed as "others".

We hope this helps for people who had the same problem as us.
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Re: Can any body explain (tax issue) 12 years, 4 months ago #33850

Hi moperx,

Good to hear that this solved your problem. At first i tought we had the same problem. But unfortunately not... This does not solve my problem. Artio is indeed slow on respond (or they have a milion questions to answer), even with payed support... I'm hoping they read my response to your sollution and investigate the tax problem a bit further...
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Re: Can any body explain (tax issue) 12 years, 3 months ago #33970


thanks for your post! I have similar problem. I would like to use your method, but the problem is that I want to show frontend several prices (brutto, tax, discount, redused price etc), but if I put 5 digits those also show frontend. Can I set those into 5 and not show more than 2 on frontend?

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