jich wrote:
To inveritas:
Yes, it is true. Only website can have own htaccess. However, the layout 'more websites - more root dirs and more htaccess' I see last long time ago. Today the most Magento installations has only one root directory and thus only one htaccess.
The rules in the htaccess manages the rewrite directives by storeview codes, only the rewrite directives for default storeviews may be manages by server name. If you have two storviews with different urls on one website then there is something wrong in your settings. However, MTurbo builds htaccess correctly. I can not rule out that you have any specific settings. This is true what each server is unique.
We have one Magemto root, differrent urls for each store view.
Anyway, could you please also answer our question about the refund? We sent an email about a day ago.