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Query string in URL
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TOPIC: Query string in URL

Query string in URL 11 years, 6 months ago #39788

I'm seeing my URLs with ?___store=default&nocache=true&mturbo_dynamic_block=true added to them. What is causing this?

Is this the storeview being active in settings?

Turning it off will fix it?

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Re: URLs being added to 11 years, 6 months ago #39790

  • jich
  • Posts: 254
Dear Samiam,

It is special query string which is used during the downloading of the page into cache. "nocache=true" means the page must be loaded from Magento not from the cache. "dynamic_block=true" means "use dynamic block". "__store" is default param from Magento to identify the used storeview.

You should not see these params in your HTML code. M-Turbo automatically strips these params from URL after receiving the request. Could you send URL of your site? I will look at this.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: URLs being added to 11 years, 6 months ago #39793


It's showing up in Google Analytics (seems to be replacing the actual page name). If you visit the site you see the regular URL

If I add the query string to the URL it responds and does not rewrite it to the regular URL

The added string is showing up in analytics reporting as well as the regular URL
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Re: URLs being added to 11 years, 6 months ago #39795

  • jich
  • Posts: 254
Dear samiam,

If you look at HTML code of download page (ex.: then you can see

 _gaq.push(["_setAccount", "UA-12739668-4"], ["_trackPageview","/4-weightloss-650-mg-60-capsules.html?___store=default&nocache=true&mturbo_dynamic_block=true"]);

It means that the additional parameters is not stripped when Google Analytics generates its code. It is not good.

Which version Magento you use? Do you use any 3rd party module for generating the GA code or you use the default implementation from Magento?
ARTIO Support Team
Last Edit: 11 years, 6 months ago by jich.
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Re: URLs being added to 11 years, 6 months ago #39798

Yes we use Fooman Google Analytics + and I do see what you mention. I have a update for it, although I don't know if that will 'fix' it.

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Re: Query string in URL 11 years, 6 months ago #39801

Kristof from Fooman replied

"technically it is different content and our extension will not filter out the ? part since it is vital for tracking things like campaigns and keywords.
You can set your google analytics to ignore certain query parameters."
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