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product & category pages do not change
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TOPIC: product & category pages do not change

product & category pages do not change 12 years, 1 month ago #36489


Installed mturbo. the speed is AMAZING! very happy

But, I add products, change prices, change items to in stock/out of stock, create new categories, create new subcategories on a daily & weekly basis.

I run the cronjob every night.

My problem is the customers do not see the changes unless they clear the cache & cookies on their own computer. this is ridiculous. I cannot tell thousands of customers to clear their cache before viewing my website.

Do you have a solution?

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Re: product & category pages do not change 12 years, 1 month ago #36500

  • jich
  • Posts: 254
Hello tulippack,

Thank you for your interest about our module.

In most case the caching depends on ETag in HTTP header, which is inserted by web server. Because the cached pages are stored on the disk as html file so web server is using them as static content. In this case web server recompute ETag after modifying file. If you cache a page in M-Turbo, the html file will be changed and web server will recompute ETag, then browser cannot cache that page. Try to check your settings the inserting ETag on your web server, please.

If you use Apache Web Server see

Best Regards
ARTIO Support Team
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