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M-Turbo - Design
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TOPIC: M-Turbo - Design

M-Turbo - Design 12 years, 5 months ago #33639

  • Jaco
  • Posts: 2

I have been trying to call you guys a few times last week but each time either is to late/ different number/ out of office so I will write our problems here.

Problem is real simple to explain, echt time we enable M-Turbo all design of the shop is alover the place and we did reinstal a few times but problem keeps on existing.

Hopefully you can help us out here.

Thank you for your time,

Jaco de Wever
Last Edit: 12 years, 5 months ago by jich. Reason: removing attachment (security risk)
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Re: M-Turbo - Design 12 years, 5 months ago #33676

  • jich
  • Posts: 254
Dear Jaco,

Yes. We can help you. But we don't understand you, what problem you have. Moreover, your test url is not working, there is redirect to your live url. (By the way, I removed your attachment, this is public forum and publicing a security data is not good idea).

Could you describe us your problem more exactly and fix your test url, so that we would look there. Thanks.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: M-Turbo - Design 12 years, 5 months ago #33678

  • Jaco
  • Posts: 2

The shop is filled with google codes, seo and much more so this test shop is under IP.
Within index.php (FTP) you will find IP's, if you will add your IP there you can work on the shop and take a look. M-Turbo is disabled but when you enable this you will imediatly see the problems that will be with the design.

Thank you for taking away the attachment, this was ofcourse only logins for you and the team.

If I need to sent you the logins you can shoot me an email and ill reply instantly.
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Re: M-Turbo - Design 12 years, 5 months ago #33680

  • jich
  • Posts: 254
Hello Jaco,

I logged in your shop and tried to cache page "cacao-nibs-bio.html", but it fails. Therefore I made the test file "test.php" in your web root so, that I was testing the downloading the page by the function file_get_contents.

Home page was downloaded fine, but page "cacao-nibs-bio.html" no. There is strange this that I can see this page in my browser. Is it possible that there is some filters/firewalls on your server?. M-Turbo requires that server could download the file from itself. Make sure, that it is ok, please.
ARTIO Support Team
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