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HTTPS support
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TOPIC: HTTPS support

HTTPS support 12 years, 11 months ago #26757

Our website is also accessible using https, but then the dynamic blocks are not loaded. Javascript error: mturboloader.blocksContents[blockIdentifier] is undefined, mturbo.js line 18

I see an OPTIONS request to /mturbo?..... instead of a get, possibly due to the HTTPS?
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Re: HTTPS support 12 years, 11 months ago #26759

  • jich
  • Posts: 254
Dear meDavid,

We know about this issue and we are working for fixing it. Problem causes incorrectly routing in the Magento Core. For now we are not able to help you. I believe it will solve in the near future.

Additional note:
We have solution only for HTTPS. No if you require HTTP and HTTPS simultaneously. Problem is than web browser does not allow send AJAX requests through different servers. It is security risk. HTTP and HTTPS are different servers.

Possibly solution (tested only Mag

1) Change configuration file app/code/local/Artio/MTurbo/etc/config.xml about line 145:





2) Change header of function for the action. File app/code/local/Artio/MTurbo/controllers/IndexController.php about line 35:


public function norouteAction($coreRoute=null) {


public function indexAction() {

3) Finally, change file app/code/local/Artio/MTurbo/Model/Observer.php about line 65:


$url = Mage::getBaseUrl().'mturbo';
$referer = Mage::helper('core/url')->getEncodedUrl();
$endScript = "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">if (typeof(mturboloader)!='undefined') mturboloader.loadBlocks(\"$url\", \"$referer\");</script>\n";


$url = sprintf("%smturbofrontend", preg_replace('/^http?:/', '', Mage::getBaseUrl()));
$referer = Mage::helper('core/url')->getEncodedUrl();
$endScript = "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">if (typeof(mturboloader)!='undefined') mturboloader.loadBlocks((location.protocol+\"$url\"), \"$referer\");</script>\n";
ARTIO Support Team
Last Edit: 12 years, 11 months ago by jich. Reason: Additional solution
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