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M-Turbo .htaccess for nginx
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TOPIC: M-Turbo .htaccess for nginx

M-Turbo .htaccess for nginx 11 years, 6 months ago #39468


I installed the full version of M-Turbo and configured it based at official manual.
Aparently is everything all right, nothing related to errors, the configurations itens are all at green color.
After configuration was made, I sinchronized and caching all pages in the url tab, and all the pages are with the cached status and are all at green color too.
When I'll test the pages, if I click on view to see a preview of the page at the table located on the url tab, I can see a mesage like this: <!-- Wed May 29 20:16:39 UTC 2013 --> on the end of the page source code. But when I'm accessing the site from official url, the message doesn't appear in any page.
Based on this, I think my extension is not working correctly, so I want to know how I can solve this problem?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Page is stored but is not cached 11 years, 6 months ago #39471

  • jich
  • Posts: 254
Dear Carrozza,

It seems that the problem is in the .htaccess rules. Try to rebuild .htaccess on "Website Configuration". If it did not help you then you could send me your .htaccess file with your site URL at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , I would check it.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Page is stored but is not cached 11 years, 6 months ago #39476

Hi jich,

I tried to rebuild .htaccess without success.
So I sent my .htaccess file to your email.

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Re: Page is stored but is not cached 11 years, 6 months ago #39477

  • jich
  • Posts: 254
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Page is stored but is not cached 11 years, 6 months ago #39510

  • jich
  • Posts: 254
Your .htaccess file looks good at first sight. I have not seen any problem there. It works well on apache2.

Nevertheless, the file which you sent me looks as configuration file for apache2, not nginx. Are you using some converter apache2 => nginx for .htaccess files? It is probably that there is some differences between these configuration files. We are not able to say what is wrong there now, no without testing. What version of nginx you are using? We would test it, but we cannot guarantee the result. We tested M-Turbo for nginx in the past (on older versions) and there M-Turbo did not work (the diferences in .htaccess rule were too big). Maybe on the newer version will work. We can try to do it.
ARTIO Support Team
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