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unable to excute cron for automatic cache refresh
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TOPIC: unable to excute cron for automatic cache refresh

unable to excute cron for automatic cache refresh 12 years ago #36756

We have integrated the paid mturbo caching extension for one of our client and we are getting the following error in magento system.log when ever cron is executed, can you please suggest us how to resolve this issue,
Cron is working perfectly for other jobs

Recoverable Error: Argument 1 passed to Artio_MTurbo_Model_Observer::flushQueueCron() must be an instance of Varien_Event_Observer, instance of Mage_Cron_Model_Schedule given in /var/www/venky/app/code/local/Artio/MTurbo/Model/Observer.php on line 454

Your help is highly appreciated,

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Re: unable to excute cron for automatic cache refresh 12 years ago #36761

  • jich
  • Posts: 254
Hello samanaveen,

This is a small issue M-Turbo for newer versions of Magento. There was change the interface.
You can edit file 'app/code/local/Artio/MTurbo/Model/Observer.php' around line 441, please.


public function flushQueueCron(Varien_Event_Observer $observer) {


public function flushQueueCron($observer) {
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: unable to excute cron for automatic cache refresh 12 years ago #36770

Hi Jich,
thank you.......
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