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Excellence Ajax conflict :)
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TOPIC: Excellence Ajax conflict :)

Excellence Ajax conflict :) 12 years ago #36690

Hi.I'm using Default dynamic loaded blocks turned off but cart returns to "0" when changing from categories to home. My site is and uses Excellence Ajax.

Re: Excellence Ajax conflict :) 12 years ago #36695

  • jich
  • Posts: 254
Dear renatofig,

Could you exactly describe this issue? What do you mean "Cart returns 0", you mean mini cart block is empty despite of customer adds a product into it?

Mini cart block is updated only if "Dynamic loaded blocks" are activated. If you use it you have to set your mini cart block as dynamic loaded block. M-Turbo after render page loads it by Ajax.

We do not know module Excellece Ajax. However, we do not provide the compatibility with modules 3rd party (there is too much to do it). If you exactly describe this issue you can buy paid support and we are to able to set up M-Turbo for your site.
ARTIO Support Team

Re: Excellence Ajax conflict :) 12 years ago #36713

Hi! Sorry for my english. I´ve done exactly what you did and if you can look at you gonna see that mini-cart is lost when dynamic blocks are activated and you try to access a category like "acessorios" for example.

I tried cart,cart-top,cart_top,cartTop in Layout names of dynamic loaded blocks but same problem...

Is there any file I can change to correctly show my mini-cart ?


Re: Excellence Ajax conflict :) 12 years ago #36714

Please see examples attached...

Re: Excellence Ajax conflict :) 12 years ago #36728

  • jich
  • Posts: 254

You can test the identifier by url[]=XXX, where XXX is the name in layout of dynamic block (cart_top, cartsidebar etc...).

The settings depends on your theme. The mini cart block must be set in "default" layout, it must be displayed on all pages, else you cannot use as dynamic block.

I'm not able to say what is problem if I don't see your layout files and your template files. You can purchase the 1h paid support ( for profesional settings of M-Turbo, if you want. In this case we try to set it. For support we would need to access to admin (only for M-Turbo and Cache Management) and FTP to your website.
ARTIO Support Team

Re: Excellence Ajax conflict :) 12 years ago #36729

Yes it´s cart_top, it works, so I put this in Layout names of dynamic loaded blocks, right ?

And yes, it is a default dynamic all pages, as you can see now in

But when I insert cart_top, and set all dynamic blocks to Yes and make the cache the top cart and compare disappears (with or without the cart_top command). If blocks are set to No it breaks the layout.

When I remove cart_top from Layout names of dynamic loaded blocks and set all to No the cart changes to empty (0) when I change cached pagesd (from home to categories or vice-versa).

With this information can you help a little bit more ? If I solve this problem gonna buy the upgrade!
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