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1000 errors
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Magento E-Commerce accelerator component.
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TOPIC: 1000 errors

1000 errors 12 years, 6 months ago #31764

I just purchased and installed M-Turbo. It speeds up the site but is making many of the cached pages look bad. Dev site is here if you want to take a look:

Some product images do not show up on the category pages. Also Magic Zoom module is reverting to default settings.

It looks like the product images are having broken links because it is inserting 1000 into the url in various spots. Example:
<img src=""

this URL should be:

It is also inserting 1000 at other odd places. There is 1000 visible sometimes on the nav bar and other places. This is showing on the nav bar on some cached pages right now:
< 1000 /li>
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Re: Mturbo - curruptinh HTML after caching pages 12 years, 6 months ago #31766

Same issue here. I have tried all the methods but still having the problem. I assume it is inserting these "1000"'s while it is downloading and parsing the data and creating the cached copies.

Currently using the direct download method but none of them seem to be fool proof...

You can see an example of the problem on our dev site:
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Re: 1000 errors 12 years, 5 months ago #31958

  • jich
  • Posts: 254
Dear veracious,

There is bug when you set download method to "Create connection over sockets". Try to change the download method to each other, please.


We are not able to tell you why Magic Zoom module is reverting now. We do not have this module. Could you give us more information about that? Magic Zoom does not work only on cached pages or on all pages? Do it use some AJAX?
ARTIO Support Team
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