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SEF URL'S in Google not linked to the right wepage
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SEO component and search engine friendly URLs manager for Joomla!

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TOPIC: SEF URL'S in Google not linked to the right wepage

SEF URL'S in Google not linked to the right wepage 14 years ago #20408

In Google the SEF urls don't linked to the right webpage.
The link sent the visiter only to the main domain, and NOT to the specific webpage.

JoomSEF Configuration

Set page base href value: Yes - always use only base URL

-->Images dissapear

If I set the setting on: Yes - always use full SEO URL
The url in Google is linked to the right page but, the images of the sef-pages are dissapeared

I want the settings so that the right page is linked in the sef url,
and the images must be normally appear.

I don't know how to do this.
Please answer with a solution for this problem.
Albert van Zon
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