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website URL transitions alias field errors
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TOPIC: website URL transitions alias field errors

website URL transitions alias field errors 14 years, 3 months ago #19123

Well i managed to craft a series of sql operations to 301 39000 urls form the old joomla nonsef site to a joomla sef url site using the Joomsef component. It works pretty good, but one type of url caused joomla to show the "sorry you dont have permission to view this, please log in....... etc" message.

this is the old site url. ( it is from a custom component, but it should still work no?)


the new url is Kids/A-Glimpse-Into-Kids.html

al of these same url types fail to redirect when added to the alias field in the SEF URL editor.

so is it the commas?

Thanks for your time.
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Re: website URL transitions alias field errors 14 years, 2 months ago #19545

  • jaku
it might be possible the comma (,) is the problem.
It is similar with dot (.) character on some webserver configuration.

I think it is problably not directly related to JoomSEF, but instead with webserver settings.
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