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Support forum for customers who have purchased JoomSEF 3 (Joomla 1.5 compatible). Archive only, no new post can be added.

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VIRTUEMART plugin 15 years, 10 months ago #6343


I have just purchased the paid version of Joomsef and VM plugin,

But, I get this error, please help

<a title="KARMA Tickets" href="
Warning: include_once(/homepages/12/d241792217/htdocs/ [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /homepages/12/d241792217/htdocs/ on line 174

Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening '/homepages/12/d241792217/htdocs/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php5') in /homepages/12/d241792217/htdocs/ on line 174

Fatal error: Class 'PhocaSefHelper' not found in /homepages/12/d241792217/htdocs/ on line 175
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Re:VIRTUEMART plugin 15 years, 10 months ago #6351

I have paid for VM plugin and paid version of Artio SEF yet it completely bombs out my site when I turn it on. Why is there no support?
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Re:VIRTUEMART plugin 15 years, 10 months ago #6353

  • jaku

1. it would be nice if you would be reading our support and forum terms before you complain on lack of support
2. you have purchased the component about 14h ago, so somehow I do not understand your complaint about "no support", we do not guarantee repsonse times - although we try to respond ASAP
3. from the errors above, I can see the errors are coming from
this means from PhocaSEF component, not JoomSEF, so I think the problem is not related to JoomSEF
Last Edit: 15 years, 10 months ago by .
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Re:VIRTUEMART plugin 15 years, 10 months ago #6354

1. The Artio component did not work with template, kept on messing up the menu assigments and colours assigned
2. Phoca SEF was installed, and Artio DELETED, as when turned up the whole site stop functioning. That includes Virtuemart.
3. Duplicate URL's, to get the menu to work I have to disable a lot of features, but even then I get eg.

What's that alla bout? Hundreds of URL's for one page, it should just redirect ALL to one page and not generate a whole database of URL's. In 2 hours of working with the website it generate over 91 URL's, for a website with total of 20 pages. And YES, I did try different options, read your instructions, created redirects. But to be honest... if it is so much to get it working, and when it does it generate constant work of having to delete hundreds of generate url's, then no thanks.

PS: Your PAID version of Artio clearly states "WITH SUPPORT", so how can I not exect support?
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Re:VIRTUEMART plugin 15 years, 10 months ago #6356

  • jaku

JoomSEF + VM extension is working well on several thousand sites, so I do not think yours should be exceotion.

I think that the problems you have may be caused by either wrong configuration or some conflicting component.
However, in your first post you do not mentioned any other error than the messages you posted there. And those are clearly stated to be generated by PhocaSEF.

As regards duplicates and settings needed for VM extension, as well as possible problems with menus and/or module/template settins, most problems is targeted in FAQs.

The duplicates were most likely cause by either:
1. not having VirtueMart extension installed
2. not purging cache or previously generated VirtueMart URLs after the extension installation
3. having some non-standard hack in code.

If you have any specific problem, we will be glad to help you.

P.S.: Where do we clearly state "WITH SUPPORT"? Please understand we of course try to help customers who have problems, but for price of 25 EUR we cannot help each single customer solve his site-specific problems quite oftern related to wrong or non-standard configurations.

Moreover, my comment on "expecting support" was meant in way you cannot expect guaranteed support within hours. We are not DELL and we are not charing you thousands of EURos for 4h response time support. So, please, be reasonable!
Last Edit: 15 years, 10 months ago by .
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