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SEF+Virtuemart: step 2 is broken in shopping cart
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TOPIC: SEF+Virtuemart: step 2 is broken in shopping cart

Re:SEF+Virtuemart: step 2 is broken in shopping cart 15 years, 3 months ago #9271

thanks Jan. I appreciate you looking into this, its been broken for almost a week now
and obviously this client is hitting his peak season right now and really wants his store to be working
for the holidays. I'm working around the clock to fix this issue for him, he's a great guy.

I tried switching off seo in global config as well as mod_rewrite switch
but still broken in the same spot...

the odd thing is, everything was working fine, then just out of the blue it stopped working
we didn't really touch anything...

I noticed the new version Joomsef 3.5 is out, and SEF extension virtuemart 2.0.14 is out
although those might not fix this issue I'm guessing...

do I Need to also commment out some lines in .htaccess?
we can probably get it working without sef
but would be nice to also have sef working...

I had it working fine with and without joomlaSEF installed...
so I'm optimistic

thanks again for your quick response and for caring.
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Re:SEF+Virtuemart: step 2 is broken in shopping cart 15 years, 3 months ago #9273

  • jaku

well, upgrading to lates version is certainly recommended, but I am afraid it will not fix your problem.

Logically, there can be 2 reasons:
1. either something has changed at your clients site or server... the try to realize what it was (upgrade of something / reinstall / configuration change)
2. there is really something bad at UPS system

I would find the first more likely, but I cannot help you much in that... you will need to find what has changed. If you have regular backups, you might try reverting the site code one week back.
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thanks for excellent quick support! 15 years, 3 months ago #9307

I think you're right
because when I disable those 2 switches in global config
and disable SEF component, and revert to the stock .htaccess
the problem is still there...
so I don't think its an issue with JoomSEF

everything was working like a DREAM
then out of the BLUE
this UPS shipping module stops working
so I posted to virtuemart forum and I'm waiting for a response
but not a peep yet...

I see that many others also have suddenly had this issue with their shipping module
out of the blue...and others will certainly start popping up I venture to guess...
I'm wondering if this link to UPS shipping calculator could have been changed, and I need to change this setting seems to be timing out and not connecting to the UPS server...
UPS should be all over this, they are losing money left and right I'm guessing...

here again is the notes from debug mode:

Debug: Starting Shipping module: ups
Debug: Using the cURL library for communicating with
Error: couldn't connect to host
Error: Internal Error processing the Request to
Debug: The Shipping Module 'standard_shipping' couldn't
find a Shipping Rate that matches the current Checkout configuration

I really want to get this store back online obviously
due to the holiday season which is upon us
any ideas are MOST welcome
and Happy Holidays!
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Re:thanks for excellent quick support! 15 years, 3 months ago #9310

  • jaku

well, so from what you wrote so far, it really sounds like that the UPS server stopped to work suddenly. Either URL is changed or they have implemented some additional security measures that would also need to be added in the VirtueMart UPS calculator module or they have some other problem, such as permanently overloaded servers at this time of year.
However, this is out of scope of these forums.

What will be needed if you need to solve this promptly is to contact UPS or check ther site for updated API documentation and if something has changed, then adjust the calc module code.
If you would be interested, we could ceratinly do such investigation and possible adjustment for you, but of course that woule be a paid support service. If you would be interested, you can send the request to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
Last Edit: 15 years, 3 months ago by .
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