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SEF not working in item selections
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TOPIC: SEF not working in item selections

SEF not working in item selections 14 years, 11 months ago #11445

I use Joomla - VM - Joomfish - Artio

The trouble is that everything works fine accept when selecting different items from my selectionbox in the Flypage it gives me the productpage in default (Dutch) language. And it also does this when I go to the shopping cart afterwords.

Without Artio and Joomfish Router enabled it works fine but with Artio I have this problem.

Any genious ideas???
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Re:SEF not working in item selections 14 years, 11 months ago #11611

  • jaku
this may be dependent on what is the action URL in the form used in the flypage.
It sounds like either that URL is wrong or there is some redirection taking place afterwards that is leading to worng URL. You might also try debugging mode in VM.
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Re:SEF not working in item selections 14 years, 11 months ago #11711

Hello Jan,

Thank you so much for your insights.

I looked at the things you mention but having trouble to find the source of the problem. It's so strange that without ARTIO it works fine. I like the component very much so really trying to find a solution.

As soon as you choose an item from the selectionbox it bounces to NL language. Very strange! It does this also with the view cart button. Without ARTIO this works fine....hmmm

Thank you so much already,


The solution is there!
Last Edit: 14 years, 11 months ago by blansjaar.
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