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Problem with Ja News module.
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TOPIC: Problem with Ja News module.

Problem with Ja News module. 15 years, 1 month ago #10080


I have the latest Joomsef Version: 3.5.3 and I have a problem with the Ja_News module, it keeps loading forever the next article .It seems it has problem to get the right url.

I need a little help please

The site is

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Re:Problem with Ja News module. 15 years, 1 month ago #10088

I am having same problem

please give solution for this problem

I mean you provide support or not on your paid compo ?


Last Edit: 15 years, 1 month ago by udaydahale.
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Re:Problem with Ja News module. 15 years ago #10498

  • jaku
Hello Uday,
we do provide support, but I am afraid this is a bit out of scope of these forums.
I am not aware of how does JA_News work so I do not know how to help you.

By checking the site, it seems it is using AJAX to load its content, so possibly it cannot load it when SEO is on. There may be several reasons for that.
As I can see, it is using URL "modules/mod_janews/ja_news/headlineloader.php?...", but that seems to work fine... I guess finding the reason would require detailed debugging of the AJAX part of the module.
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Re:Problem with Ja News module. 15 years ago #10500

  • jaku
Btw. I can also see the URLs on homepage are not SEF. Under the VirtueMart component they are okay. So I guess there also might be relation to the JA template.
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Re:Problem with Ja News module. 15 years ago #10566

Hallo again .

Well it seems its trying to load the and its loading forever.

I just dont use sef urls in some modules in the frontpage because I m having troubles with some modules which appears and to other pages except index.

I m sending you the file you said to take a look please.


Attachment not found

Last Edit: 15 years ago by vbirlirakis.
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Re:Problem with Ja News module. 15 years ago #10766

  • jaku
thanks for the file, however debugging problems with a specic template is already out of the range of these forums and standard support. We could however help you within our paid support service, if you are interested.
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