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Non existing urls gets 301 redirecte to home page!
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TOPIC: Non existing urls gets 301 redirecte to home page!

Non existing urls gets 301 redirecte to home page! 13 years, 11 months ago #21528

I found a strange behavior and I don't know where it comes from.
I have this link that is not working anymore, because I have deleted the product, so I want a 404 Error.

Everythink goes well and 404 page appears.
If instead I access:

with ?Itemid=2, or any other parrameter at the end, linke ?limitstart=0, then I get a 301 Redirect to my homepage.

Can anybody explain me how to avoid this?

Link: This is a link to my site
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Re: Non existing urls gets 301 redirecte to home page! 13 years, 11 months ago #21600

  • jaku
Please, read

+ How is your 404 page handling configured?
It is possible that Joomla self is trying to parse the link. This can be prevented by changing the JoomSEF setting Redirect nonSEF URLs to SEF.
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Re: Non existing urls gets 301 redirecte to home page! 13 years, 11 months ago #21603

Thank you, that helped alot.
Actualy nothing happened when I changed that option, but then I looked some more and when I changed Parse Joomla SEO links: to NO it started to behave normaly.
Now all the wrong url's get a 404 Error.

Thank you
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