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Missing products
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TOPIC: Missing products

Missing products 14 years, 10 months ago #10943


Installed JoomSEF and extension for Virtuemart also.

When I click on one particularly category in the Virtuemart menu I see only one of the 48 products in this category product. This is obviously a big problem. I've just disabled JoomSEF and the products have come back again. I can't understand why this would happen.

Can anyone please help ?

Joomla 1.5.15, Virtuemart 1.1.4 and JoomSEF 3.5.5

P.S. Strangely if you click on "List All Products" in the Virtuemart menu all products seem to be present.
Last Edit: 14 years, 10 months ago by qpidity.
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Re:Missing products 14 years, 10 months ago #10957

  • jaku
are you sure about this? It does not give much sense. I cannot really see a reason, how JoomSEF would influence a number of products in a specific category.
(anyway, check what is the appearance of the non-SEF equivalent to the SEF link pointing to that particular VirtueMart category and compare it to the original one, when SEO is off completely; it might be possible, that from some reason, there is some conflict of the links, and the link that is currently used to point to that category does include some limiting variables).

You could also post the link here, both in its SEF and non-SEF version.
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