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Menulinks are different
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TOPIC: Menulinks are different

Menulinks are different 14 years, 5 months ago #15160


at first, sorry for my bad english.

Everytime, I used the standard SEO from Joomla. Now I installed Joomsef 3.4.7 and the menulinks are different, e.g.

Old link:

I had a submenu "Ihre Welt" and then the subsubmenu "Automatisierte Produktion"

New link:

The new link has no submenu "Ihre Welt" and write the metatags as the menulink.

My question:
It is possible to change the menulink automaticly over the settings, e.g. domain/de/submenu1/subsubmenu2/automatisierte-produktion.html ? I know I can change it sepperatly over "Manage Custom URLs", but it is complicated.

Best regards,

Last Edit: 14 years, 5 months ago by hermannd.
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