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Menu links are all the same now after install??
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TOPIC: Menu links are all the same now after install??

Re:Menu links are all the same now after install?? 15 years, 8 months ago #7397

  • jaku
Dear Roderick,

we have checked the issue and it is following:

The problem is, that when you create a menu item linking directly to VirtueMart category, it uses only Itemid to identify the category. (so, the URL looks like index.php?option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=XX); It does not include information about the category, such as &category_id=YY.

When the setting Ignore multiple sources (Itemids) in JoomSEF is active, it ignores the differences in Itemid unless the original URL does not differ in other way. Thus URLs
iindex.php?option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=X1 and
were considered the same.

We have fixed this by adjusting the configuration option Ignore multiple sources (Itemids) to No. Now the menu items are generated corectly.
However, this option can cause some duplicities in URLs. (more info in Docs and FAQs)
An alternative would be creating the menu URLs manually by typing the URL including the category ID.
So the URL would be index.php?option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=XX&category_id=YY.
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Re:Menu links are all the same now after install?? 15 years, 8 months ago #7404

Jan, you are the best :)
Thank you so much for taking the time to do this for me.
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Re:Menu links are all the same now after install?? 15 years, 7 months ago #7416

I'm having a similar problem. How do you change the menu URL? I tried to type into the menu box, but it's not changeable. On my site the URL's are made with the showing the section, but not the category. This makes most of the URL's closer to the original non-Joomla site.

On my site,, there are two menu problems. The submenu 'Other Countries' under 'Stores' shows the same page as 'US Stores.' If you just click 'Stores' and not the submenus, both US and Other Countries are there. I thought about removing the submenus, but then the titles don't show up even with titles enabled.

The 2nd glitch is the sub-menu 'Newsletters' under the main 'Article' tab. It's the showing the first sub-menu 'Articles' instead of the Newsletters.

Is there anyway to get these menus to behave. ;-)


Order ID 4838
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Re:Menu links are all the same now after install?? 15 years, 7 months ago #7417

Hello jeanw,

Did you try to do what Jan said here above?:

When the setting Ignore multiple sources (Itemids) in JoomSEF is active, it ignores the differences in Itemid unless the original URL does not differ in other way. Thus URLs
iindex.php?option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=X1 and
were considered the same.
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Re:Menu links are all the same now after install?? 15 years, 7 months ago #7418

Hello Jan,

I have a different problem now.

A client told me when he orders a product and fills out the new customer form during checkout, when submitting he gets a blank page index.php

I checked and see this is indeed the problem, als on my front page there are product showing, if i click on the ADD TO CART button i als get to see a blank page with url index.php

Als i see strange urls if im on the page/category
The links to the products link to example:

Whre does the accesoires come from? that is a different category.

What can cause this to happen?
Last Edit: 15 years, 7 months ago by Roderick1.
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Re:Menu links are all the same now after install?? 15 years, 7 months ago #7423

Yes, I did try that, but it didin't help. Is there anyway we can type into the name field of a menu?

On my site, if you click the navigation 'store' tab it goes to:

This is a sections layout menu and shows both section... US and Other Countries..

If you click from that page, the US URL is

And the other countries is

But both submenus go to

This only shows the US States.

Is it possible to assign the submenu for Other Countries to
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