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joomSEF is not working for sub categories
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TOPIC: joomSEF is not working for sub categories

joomSEF is not working for sub categories 13 years, 8 months ago #22384


We are using VirtueMart SEO Bundle: JoomSEF 3 + VirtueMart Extension (Site URL: http: //
Testing URL: http: // 81/DRREQUIRMENTS/).

order ID/Number: 17855

We are facing a problem while using this product in our testing server URL: http: //

The problem is it is not showing the SEO friendly url in browser for sub-categories. For example: When we click 'Buy Stamps Online' (that you can find in above link) it is displaying the list of categories (URL: then if any of the category (say Great Britain (460) ) is clicked it displays the list of sub-categories under the clicked category (URL:, up to this point we are getting SEO friendly URLs. But if any of these sub-categories (say Great Britain - Machins (79)) is clicked to view the products under that sub-category then we are not getting SEO friendly URLs (URL: But I have check in Components -> ARTIO JOOMSEF -> MANAGE SEF URLs -> Automatic SEF URLs section form administrator that there is a SEF URL stamp/great-britain/great-britain-machins.html for real URL index.php?option=com_virtuemart&buystamponline=yes&category_id=3&limit=5&limitstart=30&page=shop.browse&total_stamps=79&Itemid=85 and if we paste in browser it is working.

Please provide me support as soon as possible. It is very urgent.

Thanks in advance.
Last Edit: 13 years, 8 months ago by indusnet.
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Re: joomSEF is not working for sub categories 13 years, 8 months ago #22432

im seeing for Great Britain - Machins (89)) in Home - Latest Additions - Great Britain - Great Britain so i guess is ok
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Re: joomSEF is not working for sub categories 13 years, 8 months ago #22437

I have not installed "VirtueMart SEO Bundle: JoomSEF 3 + VirtueMart Extension" in the live server yet. In live server only a plugin vm_sef is installed. Which is creating some problem in some cases that is Why We decided to use purchased version of VirtueMart SEO Bundle: JoomSEF 3 + VirtueMart Extension.
order ID/Number: 17855
We have installed it in our development server once it work successfully in development server then we shall install it in our live server. That is why in some pages the URLs are fine in "http: //" but it can be seen that in "// " the URLs for sub categories are not coming correctly as I mentioned it in my previous post "joomSEF is not working for sub categories".

I also mail the issue to " This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it " on 7th June 2011 but still not get any response from there.
Last Edit: 13 years, 8 months ago by indusnet.
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Re: joomSEF is not working for sub categories 13 years, 8 months ago #22560

  • jaku

is this problem appearing only in menus or also in the main component?
Most often similar problems are caused by the fact that the menu module or component does not follow the correct Joomla / VirtueMart API and thus the URL does not get parsed through JoomSEF.

You can test this e.g. using different menu module.
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