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JOOMSEF duplicate urls with atom.html
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TOPIC: JOOMSEF duplicate urls with atom.html

JOOMSEF duplicate urls with atom.html 15 years, 11 months ago #6296


My order ID is 3997. I have Joomla 1.5.9, JOOMSEF 3.2.10, and SEF Service Map 2.

My problem is that JOOMSEF is creating duplicate SEF urls that is causing the wrong URL to be used in SEF Service Map 2. I have tried deleting them, but they come right back.

You can see below that I have an SEF url called atom.html being created in number 1. A correct url is being created for canning/ in item 2. JOOMSEF also creates a canning/atom.html in item 3 which redirects to the home page. This is the one that shows up in SEF Service Map 2. ( If you mouse over many of the categories at the Sitemap link, you can see it has done this for a large number of categories.

Num SEF Url Real Url
1 atom.html index.php?option=com_content&format=feed&type=atom&view=frontpage&Itemid=1
2 canning/ index.php?option=com_content&id=34&view=category&Itemid=59
3 canning/atom.html index.php?option=com_content&format=feed&id=34&type=atom&view=category&Itemid=59

Can you help me identify the problem and fix it?

Thanks Much,

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Re:JOOMSEF duplicate urls with atom.html 15 years, 11 months ago #6325

  • jaku
Dear Tom,

from JoomSEF point of view, I think this is correct.
URL no. 1 is an ATOM feed for frontpage - that is correct
URL no. 2 is a link to given gategory - that is correct
URL no. 3 is an ATOM feed for the given category - again correct

So the problem I see is that SEF Service Map 2 is using the URL 3 instead of URL 2. However, that is not anything we could influence at JoomSEF level.
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