Thank you for the prompt response. Yes, the extension is set to use JoomSEF the way the other extensions (kunena, for instance) are working properly after the update.
If you go to
my docman index you can see both an "old" (generated before the upgrade) proper SEF url and lots of "wrong" sef urls.
For instance the docman category "fiscale/tributario - attualità" whose non-sef url is
is correctly rendered as
while the docman category "notiziari":
has this sef url:
This behaviour has effect in the sef url for files inside this categories; while the file inside "notiziari" has a sef url without reference to the category it resides in i.e.:
the "old" sef urls for docman files do reference the category i.e., for a document inside "fiscale/tributario - attualità" category:
Thank you.