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Joom Sef, virtuemart and menu urls
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TOPIC: Joom Sef, virtuemart and menu urls

Joom Sef, virtuemart and menu urls 15 years, 10 months ago #6597


We have a problem with virtuemart.

The menu items with virtuemart links get treated in a wrong way.

All the links are made with the name of the first category in the SEF version, so basically joomsef assumes that mod_virtuemart is the part of the link to translate and it just doesn't go as far as to notice that the links are from different categories....

On top of that, can't seem to create custom urls as we always get a Error Saving URL error.
And yes, sef url start with a slash and old url starts with index......

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Re:Joom Sef, virtuemart and menu urls 15 years, 10 months ago #6678

  • jaku
Dear Mattia,

make sure the VirtueMart extension setting is correct and matches your needs.
Do not forget to purge old URLs and clean JoomSEF cache after doing changes.

If you get "Error Saving URL" error, then the given URL either exists already or there is a problem with saving URL to database. (check if there are not appearing any SQL errors or so)
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